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⚔ In which a different trial awaits ⚔

What do you do now, Hero? Without evil breathing down your neck? Without the weight of the world on your shoulders?

Well, the world is yours for the taking. Some Heroes before you set about rebuilding the world. Some fell off the map and lived in peace. Others... couldn't handle the memories. Some went with their Princesses, and others kept to their own lives.

I have a feeling which you will choose. And I think you do, too.

But be warned... a transition like this takes more courage than you would ever imagine. The life you want will be a hard thing to obtain.

This might just be the hardest trial yet. 

Whoo first chapter! I am oh so excited for this, omg. I am so excited for this final installment. There's some wild shit planned. 

Next chapter, Zelda becomes a girl again.

Have a wonderful day!

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