9) Explorer

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⚔ In which Link and Zelda go on an adventure ⚔


The day after Link's birthday, it turns out, Sidon and the Brigade planned their own celebration. Sidon was knocking on the door bright and early, and Link answered, still in his boxers and undershorts, hair awry.

"What in Hylia's name," he sighed.

Sidon seemed to carefully decipher the language, then chuckled. "Get dressed and follow me," Sidon said in response. I rolled out of bed and claimed the bathroom. Link threw on his armor, tunic, and boots. I walked out and the two of them were talking. Sidon looked even more excited than usual, if that were even possible.

We walked through the Domain and, finding Bazz, Gaddison, Rivan and his daughter, and Trello on the way. Link doesn't seem to question the large group following us. He talked and laughed with everyone. Even the old man Trello seemed in good spirits, despite Link coming up to me and explaining he is among the elders that don't like him very much.

"They think I'm part of the reason Mipha was killed," he said softly. I nearly scowl at the old man. Link just chuckled. "Old geezers. Most of them don't know the truth, even still."

The truth about him and Mipha, I think. That Mipha would've followed Link into calamity, Divine Beast or not. That she loved her Kingdom and people too much to sit around and do nothing. I remember talking to the Princess about the Divine Beast, how eager she was to pilot it. How excited she was to learn about the different mechanics, and how kind she was to the Sheikah that helped her.

Despite Trello's dislike of Link, he presented as a friendly old man trying to keep up with all the young people. He talked and laughed, although the glances he gave Link weren't very kind.

We walked under the Domain, where the waterfalls inside all dump out creating small rivers between rocks before spilling into Ruto lake. And when we got to the bottom, Link and I gaped at the state of it now.

Streamers hung from rocks and stalagmites, balloons were tied to the ground with rocks, and a table was filled with sweets.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted at once. I smiled wide. I had no idea they were doing this.

I caught Bazz as Rivan was giving Link the grand tour of the food. "Where did you get all this?" I ask.

"We started yesterday after you told us. We made the food all last night, and Sidon even convinced old man Trello to help with the decorating. We were going to wait until later but some of us couldn't wait."

"Hey!" Rivan shouts. "I was hungry!" Everyone laughs.

We spend the morning swimming and talking and eating. Link is quick to discard everything down to his undershirt and trousers and jumping into the pools, the Brigade on his heels, Sidon included. I opted to stay on the rocks, despite Link's asking me to join them.

After a bit of watching, Trello sits next to me dross legged. "Can't swim?" he asks.

"No, I can. I just... don't feel like it."

"Can I tell you something?" he asks.


"I don't actually hate Link."

I look at him. "That's good to hear."

He chuckles. "I never hated him, not truly. He was a good kid – a great fighter, and an even better friend. The Domain needed someone like him. And I knew it wasn't his fault Mipha was killed in battle. He didn't take her from us." His tone turns bitter as he says, "Mipha wasn't stupid. She wasn't reckless, either. She was steadfast and devoted to her people. She loved this Kingdom. She loved Hyrule. She would have done whatever it took to protect it. She would've fought on the front lines of a goddess forsaken battlefield. I tried to tell everyone else that it was better she was under the protection of the Beast. But none of them listened when they heard what happened. They began saying we should've let the Hylians fight this war on their own. It wasn't fair to blame them for what happened, though, because Mipha would have gone regardless."

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