1) Star

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⚔ In which Zelda becomes a girl again ⚔



The Beast is free.

Link is here.

"I can't hold him back much longer-"

I try desperately to hold on anyway.

Ganon is weakening. Link is winning.

We're winning.

"Do what you must, Link!"

Loud, loud, loud.

Red, light.


Air, light, sky, breath!

Fast, fast, fast.

There he is-

Finish it, finish it -

The Beast is loud, taunting. The light is blinding. It hurts even my eyes as I cast it.

"Do it, Link!"

A star, a girl, a goddess.

A breath of the wild.

A breath of mortality.

The Beast is gone.

Silence. A single moment of peace.

The red subsides, the rain clears.

The world is beautiful...

Goddesses, gravity!

I'm glowing gold. I have a body again! A mortal, wonderful body. I'm not a star anymore.

He's here...

I say something, but honestly, I'm not sure what.

And then I'm facing him. He's a picture of strength and skill and courage. A man worthy of possessing all three aspects of the Triforce.

"May I ask... Do you truly remember me?"

That's the first thing I hear myself say to him. My voice is ancient; sore and croaking. It hurts more than I remember.

It hurts to think. Are brains meant to be this loud?

He doesn't react. He stares, crying. Gods, he's exhausted. His weaponry is heavy in his hands, his breathing is still raged. But he's alive, alive, alive!

The glowing is subsiding. The goddess is wearing off, and I can begin to feel it.

The wind is so loud, the grass against my leg feels like knives. This body is so heavy, I feel chained to the earth. I don't remember human being so loud. I can hear a bird in the distance screaming. I can hear every sound of the grass. I think Ganon screams in defeat, somewhere very, very far away.

Link moves first. The master sword slips from his hand, the shield sliding from his arm and land in the grass with a thud and a clang so loud it could be heard from Hebra. And he runs, each footstep strong enough to cause an avalanche.

He hugs me, assuring himself that it's real, and from the force of the hug I stumble. We both ease to the ground, where the grass threatens to cut my knees open. I want to let him stay like this, but it hurts. His touch burns, searing and blistering. I know he's gentle. I know he wouldn't hurt me on purpose, he might not even know he's doing it now. I try to remember this. I know these things.

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