3) Health

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⚔ In which Zelda awakes ⚔


When I woke up, my first thought was of Link, closely followed by some filthy language due to the terrible pounding in my head.

Was it real, or another dream? It's happened before in his absence; visions of him coming back, only to be awoken by a surge of Ganon's power or a blood moon. But this feels different. I feel something like sheets instead of nothing but thin air and light. I feel heavier, almost tied to the earth.

I remember the field, the pain and the horse, the river and the elixir. It had to have been real, right?

When the pain died down enough to open my eyes, I didn't find a blinding light or pink and red malice. I found a thatched roof and a small chandelier with only half the candles lit, casting a dim glow about the room. The curtains over the bed were drawn, but sunlight broke through.

Sunlight. Something about the thought is enough to get me excited. Possibly the fact I haven't seen or enjoyed it in a century.

"Paya! Get him, will you dear?" someone shouts from beside me.

I'm able to get up on my elbows before a small hand helps me up. My vision swims from the movement, but once it levels out and I'm able to make out the frame in front of me, my jaw drops.

"... Impa?"

Impa smiles. "It's been quite a long time, your Highness."

I throw my arms around her, before pulling back and apologizing. Impa laughs.

"Dear Zelda, I may be smaller, but I'm stronger than I look."

I smile slightly, my breath escaping. "Impa, I-" I start, but before we can talk anymore, a door somewhere busts open, followed by pounding footsteps taking stairs by threes and fours.

And then Link stands at the top of the stairs with a girl behind him, panting, a hand over her heart.

I stare at him. At his eyes that are so full of concern and hope and life it drives me crazy. Those eyes I once thought could contain entire universes beyond comprehension. Eyes that've seen far too much.

I was never much of a poet. That was always his thing, when he wanted to be.

There are dark circles under his eyes, and his plain tunic is dirty. He wears nothing but the Master Sword on his back. Is that a pink ribbon in his hair? I don't remember that when we were riding from the castle. And when did he have time to change?

I smile, despite the lingering pain and soreness, the headache, the weight and the feeling of being so incredibly overwhelmed. I laugh a little, too.

I try to stand, to get to him, but the sudden movment makes my vision swim and my limbs weak. I barely stand before I feel his arms bracing me – one hand on my elbow, the other around my back – and he helps me back onto the bed.

"Don't overexert yourself, dear," Impa says softly.

Link nods, kneeling on the ground in front of me. His expression is unreadable.

Impa stands from her place on the bed. "I think I'll give you two a moment. Link--" he looks up for a moment, "come down to get me when you're ready." He nods. Impa and the girl – no, young woman – go back down the stairs.

Link takes the place Impa just was. He takes a steadying breath.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

Goddesses. Something inside me skips.

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