5) Celebration

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⚔ In which there is a celebration, Blupee, and history lesson ⚔


When Link woke me up the following morning with breakfast, I was expecting something much calmer than what I got. But instead of simply waking up with a tray of food in his hands, I awake to a tray of amazing-smelling food, a small stack of books, and about twenty questions on his lips, waiting to be freed once the sleep left my eyes.

Once I've regained enough consciousness and turn to the stack of books, Link smiles.

His words are faster than his brain, and he talks a mile a minute. I grin. "These are Paya's, but she said you can look at them. Impa told me how much you liked to read researchy stuff, so these are what she gave me. I don't like them that much, but we could go through them together, if you want-"

"Link," I say. He stops dead in his tracks and looks, still smiling. "Thank you. Impa was right, I do love to read. What genre do you like?"

He pauses before answering much more quietly. "History and fantasy..."

I almost leap from my seat at the thought. He has the same taste in books!

"Oh, and I've read a lot about the legends. The goddesses and other Princesses and Heroes and stuff. It's interesting."

I nod, acknowledging. "If you have any questions about that, you can ask me. We had to study those books like scripture growing up."

"We did?"

"After you pulled the Sword. We studied with the Sheikah together."

He looks down at his food. I can't tell exactly, but there might be a smile at his lips. "Sounds terrible," he says softly.

I laugh. "It was! Well, I thought it was. You seemed to enjoy it."

He nods, returning to his food. "Cado had the idea that there should be a celebration, but he wanted to ask you if you'd be up for it before they begin preparing. He says maybe two days from now, and years from now they can celebrate the day we saved the world."

"That's a wonderful idea," I say, smiling. "Tell Cado to go forth, and do what he pleases."

He chuckles before answering. "Alright."

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nobody talks like that."

"Like what?"

"Like 'go forth' and 'do as he pleases.' Did people used to talk like that?" he asks, his smile teasing.

"People in court did. You did, too, when you had to."


I shrug. "I used to ask the same question. Something about formality."

"Sounds boring."

"It was very boring."

Once we finish eating, we get up. I dress in a clean tunic of his, still a bit big even though I've gained some weight since waking up and follow him outside.

"Claree wants to see you about some clothes of your own, and there's something I want to show you by the inn, if you want," he says, practically skipping along the path.

"Lead the way," I say.

He smiles, takes my hand, and leads me through the town to another thatched home. Inside, the smell of dies and fabrics hits me, and a woman emerges from the back of the house.

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