2) Fragment

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⚔ In which Link's nerves have never been worse ⚔


The elixir worked wonders. Within minutes, Zelda was sound asleep. After a bit more walking, I got back on the road and hopped on the saddle behind her to make sure she doesn't fall off. I tilt back so she leans against my chest. She snores. She's still warm, either from the fire or from the light I'm not sure.

She looked like she was in so much pain... I regret chugging the last healing elixir I had before fighting pig-Ganon. I should've given it to her.

The glow on her skin has almost completely worn off. She's more girl than star now.

I don't really think about much on the ever-familiar road to Kakariko. I certainly try not to think about the girl sitting basically in my lap or the fact I just saved the world with her help. Or the fact I saw her in nothing but her chest guard within the first couple hours of her coming back. I do, however, think about the spirits I saw.

The Champions and King Rhoam. I saw them. They were all standing together, a few yards away. It felt like I only saw them for a moment.

Urbosa nodded, and my mind raced back to what she said: take care of her. She looked so proud. Revali – the smug ass, smiled. Happy to see us succeed. Daruk gave me a thumbs-up. Mipha looked... sad. But the smile she wore was one of resignation, pride and glorious victory. And King Rhoam was crying. He looked so proud of Zelda. He gave me a parting smile, and a nod of assurance.

And then they disappeared. It was so quick I could've imagined it. Before I could finish my sentence or tell Zelda, they were all gone. I offered to go back to the castle, but she refused.

She we went to Hylia River. And the entire ride she just stared. She looked like she was in a ton of pain, but I could do nothing for her, really. But once she got into the water, she seemed to be better.

She's beautiful. Not a book, song, or even my own memory could do her justice. Even though her dress was filthy with blood – my blood, I decide not to think much about it – and her jewelry was rusted, and her hair was a mess. Even in an old tunic and pants that're way too big and a bit dirty from being in the saddlebag. Even asleep sitting in front of me on my horse in the dead of night.

The firelight danced in her eyes as she watched from the rock-perch she sat on to dry off. The light seems to gravitate toward her and collect in her hair. The world seems calmer now that she's returned to it.

I make no stops until we ride to Kakariko. It's dawn when we arrive, and Zelda doesn't stir. Despite being exhausted, when I reach the town gates and people begin flocking to see, the nerves return, making me jittery and panicked. Despite the early hours, there are more people out than I would've liked. I kick my horse to go fast, but that doesn't stop the people from following.

"Is that the Princess?" "Is she dead?" "Did he succeed?" "He had to have, the sky turned red and the earth shook." "Link! What happened?"

I ignore every question, focusing on Impa's house.

When I reach the stairs to Impa's house, there are people gathered, all asking me questions. I send a warning glare to Dorian who helps me from the saddle, Zelda in my arms, and I sprint up the stairs to Impa's holding Zelda tightly to my chest. She doesn't stir. The people are left behind, kept at the bottom by Cado. Dorian follows me up and throws the front door open.

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