It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (13)

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I heard the crowd around me sing along, their voices filling the air around me. I couldn't hold it back any longer, I felt the tears spill over and trickle gently down my cheeks. Dammit. I choked out the last lyric and jumped down off of Chris' shoulders and straight into his arms, he was only too happy to hold me as I cried gently.

“I love him.” I finally admitted. Not just to Chris, but to myself...and it felt so good to get it out. “I love him, Chris.” I repeated, enjoying the feeling of relief I got from saying a weight had literally being lifted from me. It was nice to let something out that I had bottled up for so long...i just wish I had enough confidence in myself to tell Jack, too.

“Aw Hannah. It's okay, sweetie, he'll realise soon enough that he loves you too. Don't cry, darling.”

I nodded gently into his shoulder, he was right. What good was crying going to do, anyway? I pulled away from him slightly and noticed that most of the crowd had wondered away as the set had ended. There were only a few people watching, probably hoping to meet the guys or something.

“Anyway,” Chris carried on, looking past my shoulder. “There's someone who wants to see you.”

Confused, I turned around to face the stage and saw that Jack was there. He was only a few steps away so I moved closer, the only thing separating us was the metre high metal barrier...i forgot that I was on the crowds side. I could feel a few tears still escaping my eyes so I wiped my face quickly, hoping to hide it. Of course, it didn't work. I resorted to dipping my head and looking at the ground.

“Hannah...” Jack started, his voice shaking slightly. “Don't...don't cry.”

I shrugged, keeping my head down.

“I'm not crying.” I mumbled pathetically, chewing on the sleeve of my cardigan. I was nervous.

I heard him chuckle, although it was humourless. “Okay, sure you're not.”

And then, without warning, I felt his arms go around my waist. I barely had time to react before I felt myself being lifted through the air and over the barrier, my feet landing on the grass at the other side.

I lifted my head up for the first time and looked right at him, or at lease that's what I meant to do. Instead, I ended up peering over his shoulder and seeing QB in my line of vision. Brilliant. The lads were helping the roadies pack away and she was just sat there on an amp, staring at me like I was something disgusting.

I couldn't blame her, I was something disgusting.

And I think it was at this moment when I realised Jack could do so much better than me.

He could do so, so much better. I was just some ordinary girl with ordinary features, ordinary hair and an ordinary figure. Why would he settle for plain and boring when he could have exciting, beautiful and size 0?!

This thought just made me cry more and, once again, I dipped my head and covered my face with my hands.

“Hannah, please, don't cry.” I heard him say as he pulled me towards him. If only it was as simple as that, if only I could just stop crying. I wanted to, I really did. He didn't know the half of it...

“I'm sorry.” I mumbled into his shoulder, not being able to think of anything else to say.

“No, I’m sorry.” He said, “You know what for. I know you don't want to talk about it so I wont, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry. And I miss you so, so much and it's not the same touring without you and I want to party with you more and you sang so beautifully and, and...I miss you Hannah.”

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now