It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (14)

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I ran as fast as I could away from the two people still standing there; the man who threatened me and her. Rebecca. I didn't quite know what was going on but I did know that I wanted to be away from there, fast.

I didn't really realise how far I was from All Time Low's tour bus until I began running. I would have thought that all the catering trucks and such were close to the tour busses, right? Well apparently not. Apparently, they had to have their own parking area right at the other side of the large venue. BRILLIANT. I didn't realise I ran this far from Jack just 10 minutes earlier, I must really have wanted to get away.

However far it was, I didn't stop running. I kept thinking I could hear footsteps behind me, although it was probably just my imagination playing evil games with me. Even when my side started to ache from the sprinting, I didn't stop and nor did I slow down.

I sighed in relief when I saw the familiar tour bus in front of me and as I neared, I saw Alex outside talking to Flyzik. I ran straight up to Alex and collapsed in his arms, interrupting a conversation that sounded like they were planning a birthday surprise for someone. Huh, probably a fan competition.

I grabbed on to Alex tightly, still slightly shaken and tears of both fear and upset escaping my eyes.

“Hannah, what's wrong, sweetheart?” I heard him ask in a frantic, yet somehow calm voice.

I just shook my head, not knowing if I should tell him the truth or not.

“Come on,” He pestered, pulling me away and holding me by the top of my arms. “I know this isn't just about Jack, I can see that you're scared. And you're shaking...Hannah, what's happened?!”

His voice got more worried to the end of the sentence but still, I only shook my head. I heard Matt excuse himself from the whole scene and go back onto the tour bus, leaving me and Alex to talk.

“I...i don't know,” I answered, half truthfully. “B-but, Alex, there's something about her. Rebecca...She-she's...there's something weird about her, 'Lex, please don't let her backstage again. She's up to something.”

He let go of my arms then and scoffed, waving his hands in dismissal.

“Her? She just wants to get her paws into Jack, but I know someone else he's more interested in.”

He grimaced at the end of the sentence, like he was talking about something he didn't like. I ignored the fact, for now, that Jack liked someone else and carried on trying to speak to Alex, although I was still shaken up so my voice was shaky and I was stuttering slightly.

“No, I know she wants Jack, but it's more serious than that. There was this guy with her...scary, threatening me and, she was watching, tried to ruin mine and Jack's moment earlier...trying to take him away...”

By the end of my 'explanation', I was mostly talking to myself and staring into space. I was snapped out of it when I felt Alex shake my shoulders quite roughly and I turned back to face him.

“Hannah, what?! Someone threatened you?! I knew she was crazy, I KNEW it! She's got that crazy fan look about her, AND what she did to you in high school! Oh my God. What happened, what did they say? I am most definitely not having you in danger at all!”

“No danger, just...”

And then I didn't know how to finish my sentence, other than shake my head. Alex was right, after what happened in High School, I could be in danger. I’ll explain the High School situation at another time but all you need to know for now is that I was attacked, and it was Rebecca's doing. Only our (mine and Alex's) family knew that it was her doing, plus Jack, hence why Rian didn't stop her coming backstage.

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