Shadow ✔️

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an auburn hair girl is seen sitting in a car, with a Labrador Retriever sitting beside her. The young lady and her dog are watching two men wearing suits. who are acting as if they work for an alarm company.

"why are we even doing this Angel?" the young lady ask her dog, who just tilled his head at her.

"yeah I know we agreed so John would leave us alone, but we are retired so honestly why."

at this point her dog is just staring at her.

"good going Buff you are talking to your dog as if he could answer you." "know were talking to our self great I blame Gabe for this Angel," the auburn haired lady tells her Dog. who is know looking out the window waiting for the two men to come back out. so that the two of them can countious to trail them.


a little while later

Sam and Dean Winchester came out of the building after looking around were the attack happened and asking the landlord some questions. the two brother got into there impala and drove off. so the female and her dog stared to trail them in her own car. again not that she wanted to.


Dean ends up at a bar and that wear Buffy went as well. the auburn haired female just sat and watched from a safe distance away, making sure the older Winchester was doing what he needs to do.

but instead of question everybody about the victim, he was getting the bartender phone number witch made the slayer roll her eyes at the man.


a little while later

Sam join his older brother at the bar. to share the info that he has found with his older brother. witch let me just tell you was not much.

but Sam got side tracked by something or should I say somebody. witch took one look from the slayer to figure out that the girl that caught Sam attention, was a fucking demon.

after Sam and Dean left the bar, Buffy and Angel left the bar as well. the human and dog due contued to follow the Winchester brother.


a little while later

Sam and Dean end up figuring out what had killed the two victims. the two also put to and two together and figured out that the girl that Sam was talking to at the bar was the one, who is controlling the demon that are killing incent people.


John had ended up sending Buffy a voicemail that he had gotten from his sons. so that she would be able to help save there butts.

"We think weve got a serious lead on the thing that killed Mom." "So, uh, this warehouse—its 1435 West Erie. Dad, if you get this, get to Chicago as soon as you can."

"Angel come we have a job to do," Buffy says waking up her sleeping dog


the two brother end up walking right into a trap that Megs had set up for John Winchester. but what Megs wasn't counting on was a slayer and her trusty sidekick of a dog coming to the recuse of the Winchester brothers.


with the Winchester brother just before the two of them figure out that, they have walked into a trap.

SAM and DEAN climb the elevator gate and reach the top room. MEG is standing at the altar, speaking in an ancient language. Quietly, SAM and DEAN squeeze through the space between the gate and the wall. They draw their guns and move to the other side of the room, hiding behind some crates.


Well, that didnt work out like I planned. (MEG turns around to face them.)

"Why dont you come out?"
(SAM and DEAN come out from behind the crates.)  "Sam, I have to say, this puts a real crimp in our relationship."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"So, wheres your little Daeva friend?"

"Around." "You know, that shotguns not gonna do much good."

"Oh, dont worry, sweetheart." "The shotguns not for the demon."

"So, who is it, Meg?" "Whos coming?" "Who are you waiting for?"



Sam and Dean end up getting tyied up to a poll and used as bait to draw in there father not that, John Winchester would fall for the trap not that Megs thought that.

but the auburn haired girl and trusty dog would show up to save Sam and Dean from the stinking Demon.


as soon as the demon started to crawl all over the younger Winchester brother is when, Buffy had enough and came out of hiding spot catching the attion of both the Winchester and Demon.

"hiya Megs did you miss us," Lizzie asked talking about herself and Angle who is standing beside her growling at the demon. who had gotten off of Sam and backed away from the auburn haired young lady.

"what's wrong Megs?" "shocked to see me?" the auburn haired female question with a smirk on her face.

as the demon countiues to back away from Buffy and Angel, it gave Sam the prefect optioned to cut himself out of the rope.

Sam ended up destroying the alter that Megs was using to control the Daeva. once Megs control over the Daeve was broken, they went after Megs, witch makes the demon fall out of a window.

as soon as that happened Buffy and Angel left the building not wanting to get questioned by the Winchester brothers.


after making sure that Sam and Dean got back to there motel safely, Lizzie job was done so she and Angel left the brother. after leaving a voice mail for John telling him to louse her number and not to call her again.


thank you for reading

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