Dead Man's Blood part 3✔️

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meanwhile with the three Winchesters men

JOHN looks into the stalls. SAM and DEAN make their way through the barn. As DEAN passes a hammock he kicks an empty bottle on the ground. It clinks but the vampire doesn't wake.

but it does catch Angel and Buffy attion. the noise also makes the Labrador Retriever growl in a defence way, but as soon as the slayer gives him a commend to stop angel stopped growling.


At the back of the barn JOHN finds KATE and LUTHER asleep on a bed in an alcove. The gun hangs in a holster beside them.


SAM finds the 911 woman tied up against the pole, sleeping or unconscious.

(whispering) "Dean."


JOHN slowly makes his way down a few steps to the bed. LUTHER turns over in his sleep.


while Buffy and Angel are still looking around the vampire nest, trying to see if they can find anything that might come in handy. when fighting these vampire, but nither her nor Angel find anything.


Sam begins to untie the woman. They hear a noise.

(looking behind them) "There's more."

DEAN makes his way to a locked metal grid. Inside people are tied up, also sleeping or unconscious. There is a lock on the door. He grabs a metal hook to break the lock. SAM looks up sharply at the noise and they look over to the hammocks. There is no movement.

the loud noise once again caught Buffy and Angel attention.


JOHN approaches the gun.


The woman tied up against the pole begins to stir.

(whispers) "Hey." "Hey hey, shh, I'm here to help you."

The woman roars, an unearthly roar. SAM rears back, DEAN looks around. The vampires wake.


"Winchesters," Lizzie yells sounding pissed off

"get ready Angel," the slayer tells her best friend

Angel bark in understanding


JOHN turns toward the noise. Beside him LUTHER and KATE wake. LUTHER rears up and throws him against the wall. JOHN grabs a rock and hurls it at the blackened window, letting in the daylight. LUTHER and KATE flinch away. Buffy sends Angel after Luther and Kate witch make the two back up away from the infamous dog.

"Boys, run!"


SAM and DEAN run, calling to their Dad as they do. The vampires give chase. SAM and DEAN burst out the barn doors into the daylight and run up the slope to the cars before turning to look back.

"Dad?" "Lizzie?" (nothing) "Dad!!" "Lizzie!"

After a long pause Lizzie along with Angel comes running up the slope followed shortly by John. As soon as they see him the boys turn to leave.

"don't worry they wont follow, the vamp are going to wait until tonight." "once a vampire has your sent, its for life," the auburn haired female tell the three Winchesters while her dog barks in agreement.

"Well what the hell do we do now?"

"You gotta find the nearest funeral home, that's what."

"yeah you have fun with that," the slayer says before her and Angel walk a way from the family of three.

the Slayer gets Angel into her car, once she gets in she drives off and away from the three Winchesters.


after Buffy and Angel had left the three Winchesters.

the father and son trio ended up going after the nest of vampire again. in order to get revenge for Daniel.

and guess who ended up having to Save the three Winchester asses that right Buffy and Angel did. even though she is supposed to be a retired slayer, though that apparely means jack shit to everyone but herself and Angel.


after Buffy and her trusty sidekick Angel saved the three Winchester she left them and headed toward her uncle Bobby house. not that she told John or his sons about where she was going.


thank you for reading

let me know what you think


this is a really short chapter sorry

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