Salvation or so you think, ✔️

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A Pastor is at his pulpit. He looks up when a wind ruffles his hair and the candles on the alter.

MEG enters the chuch.

"Good Morning." "Can I help you?"

The Pastor comes down from the pulpit. MEG walks forward and sits in a pew.

"I kinda...I need to talk."

"Well that's what I'm here for."

"I've done some things." "Not good things."

"Well there's always forgiveness for us if we seek it."

"For everyone?" "Are you sure?"

"I like to say salvation was created for sinners." "Tell me what's on your mind."

"Well." "I've lied. A lot." "I've stolen." "I've lusted." "And the other day I met this man." "A nice guy, you know?" "We had a really good chat, sort of like this....then I slit his throat and ripped his heart out through his chest."

MEG blinks and her eyes go black. The Pastor jerks back.

"Does that make me a bad person?"

(Backing away) "I know what you are." "You can't be here." "This is hallowed ground."

(Standing) "Please." "Maybe that works in the minor leagues." "But not with me."

The Pastor runs for the door behind the pulpit and down the stairs. He unlocks a door and rushes inside, sliding a ready to go barricade across the door. He turns to a well stocked hunter's chest of weapons and starts scrambling for something. MEG kicks open the door with ease, breaking the wood barricading it. The Pastor starts, then throws a knife covered in Sigils at MEG'S head. She catches it easily.

"You throw like a girl."

"What do you want."

"The Winchesters."

"I haven't spoken to John Winchestor in over a year." "You're wasting your time." "Even if I did know where they were, I'd never tell you."

"I know."

MEG slits his throat with his own knife and he falls back into a chair, gasping, then dying. MEG smiles and walks away.


meanwhile Buffy and Angel are at Bobby's

the slayer and her dog are out in Bobby yard, Lizzie is under a car fixing it while Angel is beside her handing her the tools that she needs, when she ask for it.

while Bobby is watching the two of them shaking his head mumbling idjits with a smile on his face, not that Angel or Buffy had seen it. but a certain trickster archangel had seen the smile. once Bobby had gone back inside his house, said archangel made himself visible to Buffy and Angel. not that Lizzie had noticed right away but Angel did. the Labrador Retriever started happily barking at the archangel, who happily pet the dog. witch had finally gotten the auburn haired slayer attention.

"what are you doing here Gabe, or should I call you Loki," Lizzie says with a cheeky smirk. 

"well sweet tart you can call me either but you already now that, now don't you?" Gave replies back with his own cheeky smirk.

"whatever Gabe," Lizzie says while rolling her eyes at the not so dead archangel.

"so what are you doing here?" the slayer questions the archangel.

"demons are after the colt and once they get it, there going to go after you and Angel," the trickster archangel warns her.

"well then let them," Buffy says while shrugging her shoulder. "I got out of hell once, I can do it again," the auburn haired girls says without a care at all.

while it make Gabe worry about her. normally he wouldn't care, but after watching over her for so long and getting to know her, he has started to see her almost like his own daughter. not that he would ever admit it to anybody, or so he thinks.

"ill cheek in on you letter gumdrop," Gabe says before he poofs away. leaving Buffy and Angel to finish working on the car that she was working on before he first appeared Infront of them.


meanwhile with the Winchesters


SAM and JOHN stand at the back of his truck, checking weapons. The Impala comes toward them and DEAN gets out.

"You get it?"

DEAN pulls a brown paper bag out of his pocket and hands it to JOHN. JOHN pulls out an antique gun.

"You know this is a trap don't you." "That's why Meg wants you to come alone?"

"I can handle her." "I got a whole arsenal loaded." "Holy water, Mandaic, amulets..."

while an invisable archangel is watching them laughing at John stupity of thinking that he can deal with the demon without Lizzie and Angels help. not that anybody can see or hear him since he doesn't want them too.



"Promise me something."

"What's that."

"This thing goes south just...get the hell out." "Don't get yourself killed all right, you're no good to us dead."

"Same goes for you." (There is a long pause)

"All right listen to me." "They made the bullets special for this colt." "There's only four of them left." "Without them this gun is useless." "You make every shot count."

"Yes sir."

"Been waiting a long time for this fight." "Now it's here I'm not gonna be in it." "It's up to you boys now." "It's your fight, you finish this." "You finish what I started." "Understand?"

JOHN hands DEAN the colt.

"We'll see you soon Dad."

"I'll see you later."

JOHN gets in the truck and leaves. The boys stand watching him pull away.


meanwhile with the Slayer and her trust sidekick Angel.

Buffy is still under a car fixing it, while Angel is still handing her the tools that she needs when she asks him for them.


this is a short chapter sorry

thanks you for reading

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