Dead Man's Blood part 1✔️

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MUSIC: Stevie Ray Vaughan - The House Is Rockin'

Shot of the bar covered in newspapers, someone's hands turning the pages of a hunter's journal.

(gently) Mr Elkins?

MR ELKINS is totally focused on the journal.

Mr Elkins, would you like another?

ELKINS (Looking up) Yeah. Thanks Beth.

(To Beth) Thought they caught the Unabomber.

"Yeah, poor Mr Elkins lives all alone, up the canyon." "Sits here every day, going through his papers, making his little notes." "He's a nice old man; he's just a nut."

(Pouring another shot for ELKIN) Here you go.

ELKINS looks up. One woman and three men have enter the bar. They survey the room before moving to the bar. ELKINS watches them.

"What'll you have?"

"Jack all around, leave the bottle."

"You hungry?"

"We have dinner plans."


(turning to grab a bottle of jack)

"Can I get you something else Mr Elkins?"

She turns to find his place empty.



ELKINS parks and hurries to the door, looking behind him as he struggles with the key. Once inside he dumps his papers on the desk, then freezes. He slowly turns to see the woman from the bar.

"It's been a while." "I gotta say, you look old."

"What do you want?"

"What do you think?"

"He throws a knife which hits the dead center of her chest." She looks down.

(Pulling knife out) "Damn." "You can do better than that."

Her eyes flash and she smiles. ELKINS hurries into the other room, locking the door and pushing a heavy bookcase across it. He opens a cupboard to reveal a safe and begins the combination.

"Ah, come on ,come on."

There is banging on the door. He removes a metal box from the safe and opens it to reveal an old-fashioned gun. He begins to load it. The banging continues.

Two men drop through the roof and leap over the desk to grab ELKIN. The gun falls to the floor. The bookcase barricading the door falls and the woman walks though. The WOMAN picks the gun up from the floor and examines it.

"Nice gun." "Wouldn't do you much good of course." "Boys, we're eating in tonight."

The men fall on ELKINS. He screams.

They are vampires.


Buffy ends up getting a call from Elkins warning her that there are vampire after him and that she and Angel needs, to be on the look out.

he also tells her that there is a letter in a P.O box waiting for her and Angel, when ever the two of them are able to pick the latter up.

the vampire Slayer and her dog also end up getting a phone call from John Winchester telling her that he needed her help.

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