Caught Masturbating

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You toss your head back, sitting on the bed and panting gently, though it came out as a slight whimper. You pump your hand up and down, lifting the bottom hem of your shirt up to your mouth as the feeling of pleasure washes over you. You couldn't help but let out softly, puppy whimpers as you thought about Keigo. your breath is muffled by the shirt in your mouth, your head tossed back against the pillows as your hand moved up and down desperately.

You look down, stroking it faster as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to release. You bit down on the shirt and gasped, the shirt falling as you were so close, almost there.. so close. Suddenly you hear the door open, noticing the familiar figure of your winged boyfriend. You quickly pulled the blanket over himself. Why was Keigo home so early? 

"You know I could hear you, right? I could hear you as soon as I got into the house."
He explained as he set his visor and headphones to the side, doing the same with his jacket. He walked closer to the bed, sitting next to you as his hands gently pulled the blanket away.
"that's embarrassing.. I just knew you wouldn't be home for awhile so i just.." you explain, sighing as your voice trailed off and earning a soft hum from Keigo. He gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him, keeping eye contact for a moment before using his other hand to move your shirt that you held in place to hide yourself, out the way. He lifted your shirt hem into your mouth and looked down at your dick. It was basically begging for attention, the tip red as it twitched as if any small touch could easily make you cum.

He used his thumb to rub the tip, his other fingers wrapped around the base. He gently stroked it, and after a few seconds, you came, cum squirting onto his hand and the blanket. He lifted his hand and licked it off, looking up at you with a half-lidded look. You panted softly, whimpering quietly, "why are you going so slow?" You asked, though your voice sounded much softer, asking a genuine question. Keigo often went rather fast, you'd usually already be bent over at this point.

"Mmh, I love watching you get all submissive when I touch you this slow."
He whispered, grabbing the shirt away from your mouth and leaning close to you. He looked at you and smirked, leaning closer and kissed you tenderly. He began to move his hand, earning muffled noises from you as you kept up with the kiss. You both added tongue, making the passionate and soft kiss more of a make-out session. He sped up, pumping his hand up and down pretty fast.

"Like that~?" He asked, pulling away from the kiss momentarily. As he did so, you softly whined and nodded, looking down and watching. He sped up and kissed you back, but after a few moments, he moved his hand away in a rush.

He unzipped his jeans and took his erect cock out his boxers, placing the two of yours together and using the same hand to stroke them.

You turn your head to the side and softly moan, giving him a submissive look. He looked flustered, but in a dominant way..looking at you with half-lidded eyes and a lustful look. "Fuck.." he groaned, moving his hand faster and faster. You tossed your head back, placing a hand on his forearm and gasping. Cum seemed to spew out, landing on his shirt and your abdomen. A bit of it even oozed onto his hand as he came as well, his stroking slowing down.

You were shocked he had came as well, was he pent up? He had barely even touched yours..

"How did you fast? You barely touched yours-"
He cut you off, saying a soft, "don't worry about it."as he then grabbed both of your dicks. He began to stroke them again, earning gasps from you, "Ah~! Wa-Wait- Keigo..I just- I just came.."
You whimper, looking at him with a soft expression. He sped up again, watching them as he moved his hand, finding your expressions and noises so, so adorable. He just wanted to hold you and kiss you.

"Keigo- please- it's..Mh.. It's too much."
You explain, earning a deep chuckle from him and a dark glare. He then pushed you onto the bed more, causing you to let out a whine in response. He towered over you, giving you another lustful look.

"Keigo..what're you-"


He got you all cleaned up, you both wore a pair of boxers. He snuggled himself next to you, one of his wings wrapping around you. They were a little damp, and cold, but it was adorable nonetheless. You looked up at him, admiring him for a moment before pecking his lips softly.

"I'm still surprised you chose me.."
You mumbled, earning a quiet, "what?" From him.
"I could've chosen anyone, you're the 2nd best Pro Hero! I'm just.. someone who works at {insert job}. My quirk isn't even interesting.."
You murmur, earning a soft sigh from Keigo. You genuinely thought he could strike any man, woman, or.. anything, really. He was so handsome, and he was never home. You were glad when you two had sex, he wasn't just using your body. He showed genuine concern for it, sometimes kissing all along it and praising you.

"What do you mean? You're the best thing in my life, love. You make me so happy..I'm glad you see past my facade and see me."
He whispered, gently kissing you for a moment before lowering his head and burying it in your chest.
"I love you, okay?"
He added, his wing moving a bit closer to you.

You smile and close your eyes, gently running your hands through his hair.

"Yeah..I love you, too."


So, I'm sorry these are a bit short, there's a lot going on- school is starting soon, my fucking dog gave birth today, I'm traumatized. BUT I'm still going to try and give out chapters, I have a lot of ideas in mind :)

Words: 1024

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