Prologue Pt. 1

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-Protagonists POV-
"Huh... Where am I?" I get up to look at my surroundings, I don't remember being here?.. What happened? Last thing I remember was walking to a school- wait, am I inside the school?!

This is so confusing, how would I even have walked inside, I don't remember walking in anyways. Ah, well, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Monola Ebony, the Ultimate Skater.

I guess I'm in some sort of room, how do I even get out?

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I guess I'm in some sort of room, how do I even get out?

-3rd person-
Monola looks around for an exit, until she stumbles upon a door. She walks through the door, which leads her to a long, narrow hallway that goes two different directions. She decides to go left. As she makes her way through the hallway, she looks around to see everything, seeing that there are other rooms, which seem to be dorms. When she finally makes it through the hallway, she ends up at a gym.

-Monola's POV-
Once I finally made it through the hall, I find myself at this gym, and there's other people here.

When I'm about to say something, somebody else speaks first. "Oh, guys, someone else is here!" Everyone turns to look at me, when someone else finally speaks up.

"Well, are you gonna introduce yourself?"

"Oh, uh, sorry. I'm Monola Ebony, what about you?"

This is my first time actually writing a story, so there's not going to be many words per part because I don't have much experience, and I kind of want this to be a bit short since it's the first part of the actual story.
Anyways, have a nice day to anyone reading this!
276 words

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