Prologue pt. 3

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-Third person-
Monola soon ended up finally talking to everyone, the others included the following,
Daiyari Vutuya, the Ultimate Pop-star

-Third person-Monola soon ended up finally talking to everyone, the others included the following,Daiyari Vutuya, the Ultimate Pop-star

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Ryo Jyutsi, the Ultimate Actress

Osenna Najiri, the Ultimate Baker

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Osenna Najiri, the Ultimate Baker

Nikori Fukose, the Ultimate Hairdresser

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Nikori Fukose, the Ultimate Hairdresser

Nikori Fukose, the Ultimate Hairdresser

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Keneema Shaniri, the Ultimate Vet

Yukori Ander, the Ultimate Fortune Teller

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Yukori Ander, the Ultimate Fortune Teller

Patrinice Ganade, the Ultimate Flight Attendant

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Patrinice Ganade, the Ultimate Flight Attendant

And finally, Kaneera Rose, the Ultimate Babysitter

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And finally, Kaneera Rose, the Ultimate Babysitter

After all 16 students got acquainted, including Monola, some small duck (I'm doing a Monoduck bc screw Monokuma) that was half black and half white appeare on the stage

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After all 16 students got acquainted, including Monola, some small duck (I'm doing a Monoduck bc screw Monokuma) that was half black and half white appeare on the stage. It had one small black oval-shaped eye on it's white side, and a red lightning bolt, which was slanted, on it's black side. The duck introduced itself as Monoduck, then proceeded to explain to the students where they are.

"You are in this school for one reason, and one reason only! You are participants in a killing game! Kukukuku~"(Pupupupu is Monokuma's thing, so it's Kukukuku for Monoduck)

Everyone seemed shocked at the news.

"You, you're lying!" Reena suddenly started to yell at the duck, Monoduck just seemed bored.

"QUIET" Monoduck was obviously fed up with Reena's screaming. Reena just shut up and looked sort of annoyed, and sort of angry.

Patrinice spoke out of nowhere, "I agree with Reena, you have to be lying, there's no way we're in a killing game, this is a school, not a murder house" Monoduck looked at her like she was the stupidest person in the world.

"I said it once, I will say it again, this is infact a killing game! If you can't accept that, than I guess somebody will kill you, kukuku~"

-Monola's POV-
We all left the gym, confused and scared, though not Jurata. Jurata didn't even look confused at all, as if this was all normal.

"What, what do we do now?" Ryo asked, I looked over to answer, but Jurata beat me to it.

"I guess we just, play the game." Everyone looked at her like she was the scariest thing about all of this.

Ryo looked a bit offended, "What do you mean we play the game! There's no way we'd play in a killing game! We refuse to parti-" Ryo was suddenly cut off by Jurata

"Who cares if you don't wanna participate! You'd probably die anyway, it's pointless to try and not play in this killing game. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room." Jurata left, Ryo just looked so angry, I decided to do the same thing Jurata did, so I left to go to my room.

I walked in and sat on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought about what Jurata had said. It made me a bit angry, but she was right, it doesn't matter if we don't want to participate, we don't have a choice.

-Third person-
Monola attempted to fall asleep, but all she could think about was what was going to happen. But she soon fell asleep, the stress of thinking about it overwhelming her, just enough for her to rest her eyes a bit and fall asleep.

>Prologue end. Students remaining: 16<

(A/N I'm finally done with all of the parts for the prologue, wow that took a lil while.

542 words

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