Ch 1. Pt 4

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-Monola's POV-

"Isn't there a trolley in the art room?" I questioned. "It would make sense, considering it's an art room."

"Maybe, we should go look," Jurata quickly said, but Osenna interrupted her. "Hey guys, there's blood on the bottom of the tarp, perhaps the murderer didn't want anyone to realize they used this?" Osenna makes a good point here, we should take this into consideration. "Okay, we should all split up. Osenna, you check out the art room, Jurata you go ask for alibis, and I'll look find where the murder could have possibly taken place at."

After I explained the plan, we all went our seperate ways.

I overheard Jurata, Monola, and Osenna discussing what happened. I can't let them catch me.

-3rd person-

Jurata walks over to Rikosa to ask for her alibi. Meanwhile Osenna and Monola are looking around, Osenna's trying to find the art room whilst Monola is trying to find where the murder took place.

Osenna finally finds the art room, only to see the trolley partially hidden in a closet. "Hmm, that's weird? Shouldn't that be in the corner.?"

While Monola's looking around, she finds a stain of blood, that looks dragged. It's near Ryo, Kaneera, and Rikosa's rooms.

>Truth bullet obtained: Drag mark<

Jurata has gotten alibis from multiple people.

{J. Q.(Jurata's question)}
{?. A(Insert names answer)}

J. Q. ▪ Where were you at the time of the murder? Did you hear anything?
RK(Rikosa). A ▪ Me and my sister were all the way across the school in the music room. We were practicing, because we wanna perform something for you girls. We couldn't hear over our instruments.

J. Q. ▪ When was the last time you talked to Reena?
X(Xerin). A ▪ During the game of Truth or Dare, after that I didn't really talk to her again.

J. Q. ▪ Did you hear anything last night?
KZ(Kizani). A. ▪ No, I couldn't hear anything over me and my sister's instrument, since we were practicing.

J. Q. ▪ Where were you during the murder?
KE(Kaneera). A. ▪ I was in my room, I was just about to go to sleep, I was up late because I couldn't fall asleep.

J. Q. ▪ What were you doing last night?
YK(Yukori). A. ▪ I was telling Ryo's fortune, since she had asked me previously during the day.

J. Q. ▪ Where were you at the time of the murder?
RY(Ryo). A. ▪ I was getting my fortune told. Oh! Did you know, that I'm going to grow through a grave traumatic experience, but be strong through it and survive any issue!?

-Monola's POV-
I was unsuccesful in finding where Reena had been killed, which isn't helpful at all. Maybe I can later. But for now, I need to meet back up with Jurata and Osenna. Oh, and at some point Ryo saw me, and she wanted to join in our investigation. She also mentioned that she found something.

"When I was looking around, I noticed that we could go next to the school. It seems to be a graveyard, I think we're supposed to bury our friends when they die..." I shudder at the thought of puttting our friends 6 feet under, but if it's what we have to do. We go tell everyone what we must do. We gather Reena's body parts.

Finally finished this part!
569 words

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