Chapter 1. pt 2

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-3rd person-
Kaneera's face looked dead, almost as if she'd seen a ghost.

After what seemed like hours, but had only been a few minutes, Kaneera finally gave an answer.

"Well, this was when I had gotten my first babysitting job. I had to babysit this really stuck-up, bratty 7 year old. He yelled for hours on end," Kaneera started to cry.

"I- I yelled at him, and told him to go outside and do whatever. So he left, but he ne-never came back..." Kaneera was sobbing at this point. Everyone was extremely worried for her.(Especially Yukori🤧😳)

Monola walked up to Kaneera and hugged her. Soon after, the others, well everyone but Daiyari, joined the hug. Some of them started to cry with Kaneera.


-Monola's POV-
We decided to move on from Kaneera's truth, and mostly people had been given dares from then on. Some people were allowed to stop playing, those people being me, Kaneera, Ryo, Jurata, Xerin,  Kizani, and Yukori. We all decided we'd hang out in the school kitchen.

As I was walking to the kitchen, I could hear two people arguing. Once I finally got there, I could see who had been fighting. It was Ryo and Kizani, although, they only seemed to be arguing over the stupidest thing.

"Kizani, why did you eat that leftover Mac and cheese in the fridge! You know I wanted it!!!" "Well I got to it first, Ryo, just because you wanted it doesn't mean you get it. You should've taken it earlier." I looked over at the other four people there, and they seemed just as annoyed as I was.

I had enough of their bickering, "Oh my god, will you to shut up! Seriously, your being super annoying right now. Who cares who ate the Mac and cheese, that doesn't matter right now!" Kizani and Ryo looked at me, and they looked sort of offended, and the other 4 were just nodding their heads, agreeing with me.


We decided to just have our own little mini conversations with whomever. I went over to talk with Jurata and Ryo.

"Hey Jurata, hey Ryo."I waved to them as I walked over, as I was a bit far from them due to how big the kitchen is. Jurata seemed happy to see me, "Monola! Sorry, I kind of forgot to talk to you when we left the gymnasium. I didn't know you were coming with us." Jurata was speaking a bit fast but I still understood her. "Don't worry about it, it's fine!"

"Uh, helloooooo, I'm still here?" Oh shoot, I completely forgot Ryo was here too. "Oh uh, sorry about that Ryo." Jurata and I both spoke at the same time. "Nah, I'm just messing with ya, don't worry about it."


The day went almost the same as the one before, for the most part. Obviously other than the whole motive thing, I still don't understand why we had to play that, it was kind of boring, and also kind of useless too.


Time: 10:57 PM
Oh, it's nighttime, I didn't even realize. I guess I should get to bed then.

-3rd person-
Monola fell asleep quickly, but something happened that night. Litttle did they know, a murder was being commited at that moment in time.


Time: 8:34 AM
Monola woke up, but mostly to the sound of screaming. She got up as quick as possible and ran towards the sound. When she got there, she saw Xerin vomitting. She looked through a door, and the sight she saw was disgusting, disturbing, and terrifying...

(A/N: HAH CLIFFHANGER. Anyways, this is the chapter right before the BDA.(Body Discovery Announcement) But, give me your guesses for the victim, and if you're correct, then good job. Check the character introductions<which are in the prologue parts> so that you know you're options. Anyways, have a great day my lovelies!!
659 words

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