Prologue pt. 2

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-Monola's POV-
Somebody walked up to me and introduced themself almost immediately.

"Hi! I'm Rikosa Shinkari! I'm the Ultimate Percussionist."

"It's nice to meet you!" Rikosa slowly walks away and over yo another girl

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"It's nice to meet you!" Rikosa slowly walks away and over yo another girl. The girl looks similar to Rikosa. I walk over to Rikosa and the random girl.

The girl suddenly speaks up, "Ah, right, there's someone else. Might as well introduce myself, I'm Kizani Shinkari, I'm the Ultimate Floutist."

"I suppose you already met my sister Rikosa

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"I suppose you already met my sister Rikosa." Kizani quickly assumes.

"Oh, yeah, I have." I respond as quick as possible. I turn to look behind me, and find that more people are also here. I walk away to go talk to the others.

The next person I walk up to seems to be lecturing another person about treating everyone with respect. I tap her shoulder and she quickly turns to look at me."

"Ah hello! I'm deeply sorry for not introducing myself when you walked in. My name is Dionaka Muffer, I'm the Ultimate Moral Compass"(Okay I jus needed to add an Ultimate Moral Compass, bc Kiyotaka didn't get to live so a different one should)

 My name is Dionaka Muffer, I'm the Ultimate Moral Compass"(Okay I jus needed to add an Ultimate Moral Compass, bc Kiyotaka didn't get to live so a different one should)

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Dionaka turned back around to continue lecturing the other student. I wanted to talk to that other girl,  but not right now. I'll meet her later. I look over to see someone quietly standing in one of the corners of the gym. I decide to go talk too her.

I run over to her "Hello!"

She jumps a bit, I think I may have startled her. But she calmly turns and faces me. "Oh, hi." She doesn't seem to enthusiastic about being here. We stand there in silence for about a minute.

"I'm Monola Ebony, " I say, trying to break the silence.

"I'm Henastis Quenadee."

"Well, what's your Ultimate?" I asked, confused as to why she didn't say it at first.

"My Ultimate, well, I don't think it would qualify as an Ultimate, I'm the Ultimate Social Activist."

 She almost mumbled the last part, but I still heard her loud and clear

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She almost mumbled the last part, but I still heard her loud and clear.

She turns back around quietly, almost as if no one had even talked to her. I go back to talk to some more people. But before I even moved, someone else came up to me.

"Ah, hello! Who are you?" I questioned.

"Hiiii! I'm Xerin Qhufoozi, The Ultimate Roleplayer!(Do not question the name)

"Hiiii! I'm Xerin Qhufoozi, The Ultimate Roleplayer!(Do not question the name)

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"I heard your a skater! What is skating like, I've never skated before." Xerin kept asking me questions, one after another, I didn't even get the chance to answer any of them before she moved onto the next.

I silently walked away without Xerin even noticing, thankfully. I still have alot of people to talk to. I walk up to the girl that Dionaka was lecturing earlier.


She turns around and looks at me, "Um, hello?" She replies, though she sounds a bit annoyed.

"I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Monola Ebony, and you are?"

"I'm Reena Fukoshi, I'm the Ultimate Drama Queen"

"Nice to meet you Reena! Uh, I'll talk to you later" I walk away as Reena turns back around

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"Nice to meet you Reena! Uh, I'll talk to you later" I walk away as Reena turns back around. I walk up to a girl quietly reading in the bleachers. I decide to talk to her.

I walk up to her, she immediately sees me, closes her book, and puts it down.

She speaks up, "Hello, uh how may I help you?"

"I'm Monola Ebony" The girl immediately understands why I'm speaking to her.

"I'm Jurata, Jurata Rukanashi. I'm the Ultimate Librarian"

 I'm the Ultimate Librarian"

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Jurata smiles lightly. "Nice to meet you Monola."

"Nice to meet you too Jurata"

(A/N The introductions are partially done, there are still a couple of characters left to introduce, but that's what I have done for now.
622 words.

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