Ch 1. pt 3.

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-Monola's POV-

The sight was so, disturbing

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The sight was so, disturbing... It's hard to even describe it any other way, only disturbing and disgusting... Xerin ran off, hopefully to go find a toilet to throw up in. The others finally made it as Monoduck's annoying voice rang through the intercoms.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*
"A body has been discovered!" He went on about some investigation thing, then some random class trial thingy? I wonder what he means. I looked over to the body, we were told to investigate it I think?

After a bit of looking around, I found this blood stain, as if the body was dragged.

>Truth bullet obtained: Mysterious bloodstain<

Maybe the others have found anything. I immediately look for Jurata, but I can't find her. I then decide to talk to the closest person, Yukori.

"Uhhh, hey Yukori!" She turns quickly, "Hm? Oh, hello Monola. Do you need anything?" "Well actually, I wanted to know of you noticed anything, like a clue of sorts?" Yukori immediately starts pondering, she seemed to be deep in thought, "Oh! Actually I think I might have seen something... There was this broken piece of glass, near Reena's window. I think maybe the killer might've needed some sort of way to get in? If they were locked out that is."

>Truth bullet obtained: Broken door window<

"Thank you, I'll be on my way now, bye Yukori!" Yukori just waved a little, I then walked away. Though something caught my eye. Just in the hall, there was a bloody dagger, I could've sworn that wasn't there yesterday...

>Truth bullet obtained: Bloody dagger<

That would make sense why Reena was missing one of her eyes... Eep, the thought of what might've happened just sends shivers down my spine. Nevermind that, focus on the investigation.

I make my way down the long ass hallway of dorms, why is it so damn long? Once I finally make it out, away from the dorms, I come across Osenna and Jurata. They're obviously talking about something, immediately excited to find Jurata, I go over to talk to them.

"But how would a dull kitchen knife cut her limbs off that easily? Clearly you aren't thinking correctly Osenna." I try to bud in but Osenna responds almost in a second. "Yeah, sure, but I'm the chef, I think I'd know if something could cut through something else." Again, before I can say something, Jurata responds, "Than how do we know you're not the killer? Hm? What about that Osenna, ever think like that?!" "SHUT UP." They both quickly look over at me, "Ah, my sincerest apologies Monola, I didn't notice you there." Jurata apologizes "Yeah I could tell, you really aren't good with your surroundings. Anywhoooo, what were you two talkin about? Anything I might possibly need to know?"

Osenna answers me before Jurata could even open her mouth, "Well, we found this little kitchen knife in the garbage." (A/N amateur, you never just throw away the murder weapon😐😞)

Hm, weird, how could a kitchen knife cut somebody into pieces that cleanly? Maybe, "Well, maybe that was one of the murder weapons? Obviously a dull little knife like that can't decapitate somebody, but it could really open their stomach. If I remember correctly, Reena was also bleeding in the middle of her torso. Which coukd mean that possibly a different tool was used to cut off her limbs." Jurata and Ossena speak at the same time, "Ah, maybe your right!" They glare at eachother, then look back at me so innocently, it scares me-.

>Truth bullet obtained: Dull kitchen knife<

All three of us walked to back to the body, well I did they, they just kind of followed me. The scene of the crime, well, we weren't even sure it was the scene of the crime anyways. Jurata and Osenna went and analyzed the body, whilst I talked to the others about anything they might've found, but we found nothing. That was until....

"Hey guys! Since when did Reena need a huge ass blue tarp?" Osenna yelled from the other side of the room. Jurata and I ran over there right as soon as she said this.

>Truth bullet obtained: Blue tarp<

"Hm, I don't think she even mentioned ever needing one, I get she doesn't really care much to talk to us, but she would've at least mentioned if she needed one. Unless, this isn't where the murder happened!" I blurted out, only loud enough so that we weren't heard by the others.

The two looked at me in confusion, "But who would dedicate that much work into this murder, there aren't any trolleys of sort around so they would've had to drag the body through the corridors." Jurata said this, and my mind went blank. That's true, though maybe...

-To be continued-
817 words

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