Chapter 1 pt 1.

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-Monola's POV-

I wake up, but only after I hear this loud ass announcement telling us that it's morning. Honestly, we haven't even been here for a week, and I'm already annoyed by that stupid duck.

I get up off of my bed and head to the door, hopefully today might actually be a bit eventful.

Once I get through the door, I'm again met with this long, narrow hallway. It honestly pains me to go down this hallway, if only I had my skateboard, or my skates, maybe this would go a bit faster.

Instead of walking left, this time I instead walk right. This path seems to be a bit shorter than going left, and whilst I'm walking, I come across someone, I think her name was, Ryo?

(A/N So for this part, I'm just gonna have Monola talk to Ryo, but in other parts, you get to choose who to spend time with.)

I walk up to her, I tap her on the shoulder. She jumps up a bit, but turns around and finally sees me.

"Oh, Monola, sorry about that. You scared me a bit" she speaks a bit quietly. "I honestly didn't think I'd come across anyone over here."

"Ah, well I was just exploring what's down this way."

<Would you like to spend time with Ryo?>

I spent time with Ryo today, we grew a little closer.

-3rd person-
After hanging out with Ryo for a bit, Monola continues walking down the hallway. It doesn't take long for her to get to the end of the hall. When she gets there, she's met with a sort of school-like lobby. Which would make sense, since they are in a school. She sees some of the others there, but doesn't really bother talking to anyone. That is until she sees Jurata.

She ends up finding herself walking over to Jurata, no matter how hard she tries to stop herself from walking to her. Her body just moves by itself.

Jurata looks up from the book she's reading, as if she could tell someone was there. She looks a bit happy when she sees that the person there is Monola.

"Hello Monola!" Jurata's tone sounds a bit happier than it did when they first had gotten into the school yesterday.

"Hi Jurata. What are you reading?" Monola really didn't feel like speaking, but she couldn't help speaking to Jurata, as if she was the most interesting thing ever.

"Oh, I'm reading 'Restart', it's one of my favorite books. You should read it! I think you'd like it." Jurata hands the book to Monola and smiles up at her. Monola feels like her heart suddenly burst out of her chest. She takes the book slowly, grinning back at Jurata.

"W-Well, bye!" Monola tries to speak calmly, but accidentally stutters.

"Bye!" Jurata calls out as Monola speedwalks away.

-Monola's POV-
What just happened? Well, before I even had time to think, the annoying little duck showed up. Gosh I hope he gets destroyed or some shit.

"Hello, hello. It is I, your great dean (Which kind of means principal). I hope you're all having a wonderful time at this wonderful school!" Everyone shoots him either a dirty look or a 'what the fuck do you think' kind of look.

"I don't know if you could tell, but things aren't all sunshine and lollipops for us right now you dumbass duck." I look over to see who said that, which happened to be that roleplayer girl, I think her name was Xerin? I don't know, I really didn't listen when people were introducing themselves to me, well, except for Jurata.

"Anyways, like I said before, your all in a killing game!" Everyone started to look grim and despairful at the reminder. "So I'm here to bless you all with your first motive! Isn't that exciting?" "No, not really." Kizani spouted out.

We all nodded our heads in agreement with Kizani's statement.

"Oh well, too bad, because I think it's exciting! Anyways, let's move on it life, with your first ever motive!! Kukukuku~!" Suddenly, parts of the ceiling opened, and down came some papers, everyone grabbed one and looked at what it said.

Suddenly, Reena spoke up,  "Truth or dare? Really? That childrens game that you play at sleepovers to learn stupid ass secrets."

"Yupsy doo! Truth or dare, you all will participate, there's no other option kukukuku!" I looked over, everyone looked annoyed.

"Well! Time for you to play!" Monoduck leaped off the stage, he came over towards Jurata, "You start, no buts either!"

Jurata looked over at me, "Uh, Monola, truth or dare?" Everyone looked over at me, I couldn't think of what to pick, "Hm, uh, truth."

"Oooo! Starting off with a truth huh? Well this could get interesting kukukuku~!" Jurata seemed to be thinking really hard about what to ask me, but she finally asked her truth, "What is your most lighthearted secret?"

"Lighthearted! Booo that's so stupid!" Monoduck complained, but I didn't care, so I just answered to get past that.

"Well, I once snuck out at like, 9:00pm to hang out with my friends. My parents actually never found out."

Rikosa looked at me like I was crazy, or atleast stupid, "Why would you sneak out!?" I just shrugged and looked away.

"Hmmmm, Yukori." Yukori quickly looked over, a bit of a worried look on her face. "Yes?"

"Truth or dare." Yukori looked panicked, almost like she would explode. "Uh- Dare?" She sounded a bit unsure, but still went with it.

"Insult anyone here." I looked her dead in the eye, she sighed and looked over at Dionaka, "Dio, you take things way too seriously, and make everything less fun." "OH REALLY NOW!" Dionaka was clearly upset at Yukori for that. "What, it needed to be said."

Soon enough, everyone but me and Jurata were fighting. She looked over and smiled in approval, knowing I can start little outbreaks like this can be really interesting at some point.

-3rd person-
The game went on for a bit, until someone asked the wrong person.

It was Reena's turn, "Truth or dareeee, Kaneera!" Kaneera jolted up a bit. "Hm, truth."

"What is your biggest mistake you ever made?"

A/N Finally! I made the motive, I'm honestly excited for the BDA. Hope you're enjoying this story! I'm working really hard on it.

1073 words

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