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-Niall's POV-

I woke up and felt emptiness. Not in my heart but in my arms. I opened my eyes and saw that I was alone. Maybe she went downstairs, yeah that's it, she's just downstairs. I got up and as I got closer to the open room the sound of the TV grew closer. I looked at the couch, just Liam and Haz. I turned around and went to the bathroom. The door was closed so I knocked. "Occupied" it was Lou. I opened Zayns door and saw them all cuddled in bed. I felt my heart break and I ran back to my room. I crawled under the blankets and cried until I fell back asleep. How could she do this to me?

-Rebecca's POV-

I heard someone's door slam shut which caused me to spring up. I looked around and Zayn was still asleep. I got out of bed and into the living/open room and sat on Harry's lap. I curled up and cuddled with him. I guess he felt my stomach grumble too.

"Babe, you're hungry. Go eat" he pushed me up and I slugged to the kitchen. I opened up the waffle mix and started making my cinnamon waffles. YUMM!! I knew Ni would love these. I cooked those quickly and then took a plate to Niall's room. I sat on the bed and put the plate on my lap. I felt him stir a little before seeing his little blue eyes poke out of the covers. I smiled ad he just looked at the waffles. I handed them to him and he shoved them into his mouth. He are quickly then hid under the covers again. I set the plate on the side table.

"Ni, are you okay?" I tried to pry the sheet out of his grip so I could slide under it with him.

"Am I okay? Hmm let me think, you slept with Zayn and you ignored me most of yesterday when I found out you were here. You and Lou snuck out. So I guess you're just making your way through our group aren't you" my heart shattered into a million pieces as he spoke those words.

"Why on earth would you think that I was cheating on you? You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. The reason I didn't talk to anyone was because my 2 month old cousin died. I took Lou to the beach because he caught me smoking then Louis took me to Zayns bed. I know that you're my boyfriend but I needed Zayn. He is like family and I needed to be with family." I got out of bed. Tears in my eyes again. "But I you think i'm cheating then go ahead and think that. I would never hurt you like that. EVER!" I slammed the door shut then went and changed. I grabbed Haz and Zayn and we made our way to the closest tattoo shop. Time for my permanent reminder.

"Hi boys, and girl. How may I help you" the really cute tattoo artist sat at the chair cleaning the tools.

"Erm, I wanted to get a tattoo on..."

"Her wrist" my head shot up to Zayn. I moved closer to him

"My wrist?" I whispered so only he and Harry could hear.

"Yes. Now every time you want to cut, you have that reminder" I looked at him then looked at the tattoo artist once again.

"Come have a seat" he motioned to the chair and I sat in the leather seat. "What would you like?"

"An infinity sign then the name Taylor under it and his birthday underneath the name. The date is 8/27/12" he wrote it all down then showed me the sketch he had.

"Like this?"

"Perfect" I smiled then he started. I was used to the pain in my wrist so that didn't bug me. Harry and Zayn just sat and watched.

About an hour passed and then he was finished. I loved it! He had changed a little so that Taylor's name was part if the infinity and it looked just perfect. He wrapped it in gauze then gave me his number I shoved it in my pocket and we left.

"WHERE IN THE BLODDY HELL WERE YOU AND WHAT IS ON YOUR WRIST?!?" oops, guess we forgot to tell Liam.

"Out and this is gauze" I shoved my hand in my pocket then went towards the balcony until I was yanked. Niall grabbed my wrist and moved the gauze. He looked at the tattoo then my face then he just walked away, still semi frowning. I walked onto the balcony and just blasted my music. I sat on the small bench and just cried as my music played. Can I just go home and forget about all of this.


From Zaynie Babe:

You okay love?

xx-Bradford badboy


From Becca Boo

Fine, I think me and Niall broke up though. Can you come outside. I need someone to talk to.

xx-Burrito Queen


I turned and watched Zayn walk outside and sit down. He wrapped his arms around me and just listened as I explained what happened this morning and last night.

"Babe, it sounds like our little Nialler is just a little confused. He hasn't been in a real relationship like the one he has with you. He really loves you Beccs, just let him explain everything"

"I know but when he saw my tattoo, he looked at me like I had just killed someone. Why... wait, he doesn't like tattoos does he?"

"Sorry hun but he isn't a big fan of them. Just please talk to him about it. Like, now before he cries himself to sleep" I hugged Zayn then went to his door. I knocked... no answer. I knocked again, again no answer. I slowly opened the door.


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