Living In Hell

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~Rebecca's POV~

It had been about 6 months since I last saw the boys. I skyped them everyday and they were constantly texting me. I was still upset not being able to be with them and I was in my depressed state again even though they talked to me 24/7. I hadn't cut or anything yet but I am on hunger strike and I only eat in front of the kids during lunch, I end up throwing that up later on. Mike did his best to help and I knew he was truly trying but nothing worked. I just needed my boys back.

"But you gotta keep your head up. Ohh, and you can let your hair down, heey" My phone rand as Andy Grammer's voice rang through the daycare building.. It wasn't a familiar number but I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I heard voices in the background so my first thought was the boys were using someone else's phone to surprise me.

"Hi, Is this Rebecca?" The man on the line sounded serious.

"Yes, this is she. How may I help you sir?" I stepped outside so the kids wouldn't wake up from their naps.

"This is Dr. Richards. I work at the hospital here in Dallas and your brother Michael is here. You were his emergency contact so I called you as soon as he got here. Please get her as soon as possible, you may not have much time" The line went dead and my heart was beating a million miles a minute. Why was Mike in the hospital and why in the bloody hell did the doctor say I may not have much time.

"Jenny, I have to go. Family emergency. Tell Jessica I'm sorry" I grabbed my purse and ran to my car. I sped to the hospital and searched or Dr. Richards.

"Excuse me, sir. I am looking for Doctor Richards. Do you know where I can find him?" I tapped on the man in front of me hoping he would be of help. He turned around and I looked at his name tag. Danny Richards. "Oh, hi sir. Erm.. You just called about my brother, Mike. Where is he?" I looked in his eyes searching for hope or some sort of happiness. None.

"Oh, Rebecca. Mike is just in that room. You may go in" He pointed to the corner room and I walked in. Mike was unconscious and laying on the bed. He had casts and bandages everywhere. What in the hell happened to my brother? I sat down and felt his hand, freezing. The heart monitor was slowly beeping.. about 10 seconds between each beep. ~beep~ (1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10) ~beep~

I waited hours and hours for Mike to wake up. I never left his side but I did get in a small nap.

"R...R...R...Becca?" I shot up and went to Mike's side.

"I'm right here. What do you need Mikey. I'll do anything" I held his hand in mine and looked in his grey eyes that were normally green.

"W...Water" He stuttered out. I handed him some water and he slowly drank it. He finished and I set it back down. "I.. I love you and I'm going to go visit Taylor now. D-D-Don't gi-ve up on y-our drea-ms" He closed his eyes and the monitor made the monotone sound. Tears filled my eyes and I gently shook my brothers limp body.

"Mike... Mike, wake up.. MIKE!! Mikey don't leave me. I need you, you are my moral support for everything and without you I have nothing. Michael please wake back up." I watched my tears fall onto his cold face as the color slowly left it.

"Ma 'me please move" a doctor pushed me out of the way and I just fell onto the ground and cried. I watched them perform CPR until they called the time of death.

"NO! DON'T GIVE UP! KEEP TRYING!!!!" I ran to my brother and tried to save him but the doctors held me back. I couldn't leave him. He would never leave me if I was in this situation. I have to stay. He needs me and I need him.

"Miss, you need to go home" Dr. Richards was standing before me. He helped me up and told me to go home and get some sleep. I cried the whole ride and almost crashed once. I sat in bed and listened as the cowbell from Skype played.. It was Zayn.. I answered and hid my face in a pillow.

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