Our Little Miracles

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  • Dedicated to Faithy bell

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a LOONNGG time but I had family in town and I went on vacation so I didn't get much time to even think about what I was going to write about.

Any who... I hope you guys love this chapter, and if the text is in Italics then it's a flashback.


Xx~Mama Unicorn <33


I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a princess, the dress fit perfectly. I fell in love with it at first sight. 

I was wearing a plain white, strapless, mermaid dress that had a sweetheart neckline and it laced up in the back. The train on the back wasn't long at all but it was long enough to where it trailed behind me. It was my dream dress and I'm so glad that I finally got it.

"Ready?" My father spoke quietly trying not to inturupt the small service. I smiled and nodded then wiped the tear that slowly slid down his face. He linked arms with me and grabbed my hand.

The music started playing and the two large doors were opened by the two big men.

First to walk down the isle were Nichole, my older sister, and Harry. Next was Gracie, my younger sister, and Liam. After they got down to the end Louis and Elle went then Zayn and Perrie. I took a deep breath and we started walking down the isle slowly, everyone staring at me. Honestly, I was nervous. I mean, everyone's attention was on me and I don't enjoy being the center of attention. I squeezed my dad's hand and he looked over at me and smiled. My mom was in the front crying her eyes out, not surprising, along with my aunts, uncles, cousins and my grandparents. Nialls smaller family was on the oppisite side. I looked over at his mom and smiled, she smiled and mouthed "you look gorgeous" to me. I looked down and blushed a little. I looked straight in front of me now to see my prince charming in his tux that fit him perfectly. He smiled at me and I felt a tear slid down my cheek. My dad stopped and wiped the tear then handed me over to Niall. We took eachothers hands and the minister began.

"Ladies and Gentalmen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marrige of Niall James Horan and Rebecca Kaye Dillard. If anyone here objects to this marrige please speak now." I looked around and everyone was just smiling at us. He began the whole thing, reading from his little book. "Do you Niall James Horan take Rebecca in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" He smiled at me. "I do" I smiled and the Minister repeated the same thing. "Do you Rebecca Kaye Dillard take Niall in sickness and in health till death do you part?" I smiled warmly at Niall then at my parents. "I do." The minister closed his book and smiled at us. "Well then, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Niall took me and dipped me then kissed me passionatley. Everyone began applauding.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(One Year Later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"PUSH!" The doctor said loudly. I never thought having a kid would be so painful. I pushed as hard as i could and then heard the small cries of a baby. I smiled knowing I was done.

"Wait... there's another head." My mouth dropped and my mom fainted. Niall grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

"It'll be okay baby, I'm here for you. Just push and it'll all be over soon, I promise." I pushed three more times before hearing another small cry. I was out of breath and I swear I could've passed out right there.

"Well Mr and Mrs Horan, you now have a baby boy and and baby girl. What are their names." We looked at eachother. 

"I've always liked Lacy for a girl." I spoke quietly, he nodded. "Her name is Lacy."

"and the boy?" the doctor looked at us once again. 

"Michael." Niall said simply. I looked at him in confusion. "For your brother." I smiled and started crying. I've never forgotten about Michael. He was my best friend and we did everything together when he was in town. "Baby,  don't cry." Niall wiped my cheeks and smiled at me.

"Michael and Lacy, both perfect names." Dr. Richards spoke then they had me wheeled into the other room again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(5 Hours Later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Becco?" Faith tugged at my arm trying to wake me up. I looked over at her and smiled. 

"Yes baby doll?" I spoke weakly.

"Can I get up in the bed with you?" She tried to speak quietly since Niall was passed out in the chair next to the bed. I slid over a little so she could climb into the unconfortable hospital bed. "When do we get to see the babies?" She smiled at me and started playing with my hair.

"I would think soon. Are you excited to see them?" I smiled at her. She nodded quickly.

"YES! I love babies!" her voice got louder, making Niall's eyes pop open. I laughed and shushed her.

"Baby girl, you gotta be quiet, Niall was sleeping." She blushed a little then hid her face in my chest.

"Sowwie Cousin Niall." He smiled at her then stood up.

"It's fine, how about we go get some ice cream and let Becca sleep, okay?" She hugged me tightly and then hopped off the bed.

"I'll bring you back some Becca." She smiled at me then ran out of the room. I laughed then searched for my phone, reading all of the unread messages. I came across one from my mom.

From-Mum <3

Hey Baby Girl. We're on our way to the hospital with a gift. Your sisters are super excited to see you! See you soon babydoll.

Mom :*

I smiled at my screen then heard a knock at the door. I looked up so see the door slightly opened and my sisters head were peaking in. 

"BECCABOO!!!!" Nichole ran up to me and hugged my tightly. "Where's my little neice or nephew?" She looked around, I looked at my mom who had a surprised look on her face.

"You didn't tell them?" I questioned her and she slowly shook her head. They stopped smiling at looked at me confused. 

"Tell us what?" They said in unison.

"Well... I did give birth and there are new parts to the family.. but I didn't have a girl or a boy.." They looked at each other then back at me. "I had both" I smiled and their jaws basically hit the floor. "Michael and Lacy. They're on their way in here if you guys want to wait."

"WELL DUUUUH! I CALL HOLDING LACY FIRST!" Gracie scream and raised her hand into the air. Nichole gave her a death stare then sighed.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes then sat down on the chair closest to me.

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