Chapter One ~ Nightmares

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They say that there is a reason for everything that happens. That the world could not exist without reason. But I just cannot see the reason that I am like this. I am cursed with a truly horrible power. I burn anyone that comes close to me without even meaning to. I cause fire, death, and grief to all those around me. My name is Ella Faust, and I will be your narrator. Welcome to the tragedy that is my Life, my Prison, and my Flame.

I ran away from home when I was only eight years old, right after I severely burnt my Mother when she called me to come inside. I had only wanted to stay outside and swing on the old tire swing that my Father had put on the tree for me the day before. But before I had a chance to, she called for me to come inside. I...I didn't want to listen, so I went against my Mother and ignored her calls.

She came out to fetch me. I remember her gently placing a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't see or hear her coming. So when I felt her touch, I panicked. I erupted into flames, severely burning my Mother in the process. I can still hear her screams of pain, smell the scent of her burning flesh, and see the lights of the ambulance.

My Father had rushed outside the minute he heard my Mother screaming. He yelled at me. Told me to get away, that I was for hurting her. I tried to tell him that I was sorry, and that I didn't want to, that I didn't know that it was her. I didn't know...

I bolt upright, horribly shaken from the nightmare that has haunted me every night since that fateful day. The ground that I had been sleeping on was scorched, blackened by my panic attack during my dream. It's been nine years since it happened, and that dream will not leave me. It haunts me and now, it has cost me another home.

I quickly get up and walk over to the place that I stashed my pack at yesterday. I sift through it and pull out my last change of clothes. When I burst into flames like that, it always melts my clothes off. After changing quickly, I throw my pack over my shoulder, thankful that it survived. Since I realized that my nightmares often cause me to burst into flames, I started placing my pack at a minimum fifty foot distance so that I didn't burn my meager supplies up.

I turn and start running quickly down the path that I know will take me into town. I have to find some food and move on quickly before the authorities find me. Or perhaps I should say find me again. When I was fifteen, they arrested me for what they thought to be arson when I had accidentally set a abandoned building that I had been staying in on fire. They had thrown me into a holding cell, but that night as soon as I managed to fall asleep, my nightmare struck again. I burned down the Police Department. I made my escape the moment I was conscious.

I shake my head trying to get myself out of the memory. Because I had finally made it into town. I knew that there had to be a food pantry around here somewhere. After a quick conversation with the attendant at the gas station, I managed to find it. Unfortunately, they were closed and wouldn't be open again for another two days. Two days? Yeah right. I don't have that much time.

I hid around the back and waited for the moment the sun set to put my plan into motion. I used a piece of metal I found on the ground to pry the screen off the side window. A quick check of the lock on the window showed me that they hadn't bothered to lock the window. That small fact caused a smile to grow on my face. Dinner would soon be served.

I slid into the building and pulled the window shut behind me. And a quick search of the building showed that it was abandoned. I quietly set my pack down on the ground and made my way into the back room for some grocery shopping. Now I know what you may be thinking, "Stealing is wrong, no matter how hungry you are," and I know that this is technically wrong but they give this stuff away for free. And I don't think I'll be able to make it much longer without food. It's been three days since my last proper meal.

I only grab a few things, a small bag of rolls, three cans of easy open tuna, a couple pieces of fresh fruit that they had in a basket, a couple bottles of water, and a box of granola bars. This will be able to hold me over for a week! I throw my newly acquired food into my pack and go back out the way I came, replacing the screen as soon as I was out. After I was a couple miles out of town, walking behind some trees that had grown along a high way, I finally allowed myself to relax some.

I had made it, and I was finally going to get something to eat. I sat down and pulled a banana and a roll out of my bag. Normally I wouldn't eat so much in one day, but it's been so long since I ate last and I need the food if I'm going to be able to keep going. I slowly take a few sips out of the water bottle to wash down my meal and put it back into my pack. The food was delicious but I need to keep moving, this my friends, is how I've kept from being caught and thrown into some prison. Never stay for more then a week and always keep moving.

Now to find somewhere to sleep for the night...

I woke up stiff and sore from sleeping on the ground, much like I do every morning. Though one thing is different. For the first time in nine years I didn't have the nightmare, didn't light on fire in my sleep, and I dreamed... Oh! He was so wonderful! He held me, even while I was on fire and he wasn't get hurt. And right before I awoke, he told me that he loved me... No!

I can't allow myself to think like that! No one could ever love someone like me! And even if they could, they would never be able to hold me or even be around me without getting hurt...I can't let it happen again...never again.

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