Chapter Four ~ Questions

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Since I woke up, I have learned that the boy who stood up for me's name is Nightwing, and that the boy they call Superboy is very hard-headed and protective of his team mates and though it hurt alot when he attacked me, I can understand why he did it. I was a threat to the people he considers to be his family. His actions were justified both in his eyes and mine. I cannot hold it against him.

But now, what do I do? I've been caught. I don't know how to do anything except how to run and bring destruction wherever I go. Maybe they can help me...but would they want to? I'm nothing but a broken girl-

"Hey, you alright?" Nightwing's voice breaks through my inner panic, calming me instantly.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down at my lap,"As alright as I can be."

He reaches down and gently lifts my chin so I'm looking at him, "Then how about we go for a walk? You need to stretch your legs, and I think we both have some questions we want answered."


I accept his outstretched hand and his help out of the hospital bed I've in for the past two days. He sets a change of clothes consisting of a pair of black low top sneaks, a pair of black shorts, and a burnt orange t-shirt on the bed and steps out of the room so I can change. I do so quickly and exit the room. Nightwing is leaning against the wall across from the door to the infirmary, but when he sees me he smiles and pushes off the wall.

"You ready?"

I simply nod and follow beside him. We continue to walk in silence until we finally make our way out of the Mountain and outside onto a beach. I run out to the sand and throw my arms out as I twirl around in the sun light. I realize how childish this must look to Nightwing but I can't bring myself to care. The sun has always felt like a kindred spirit to me, it also being on fire, and in the two days I've been away from it made me miss it terribly.

A chuckle from behind me brings me out of my revelry, I whip around to face Nightwing, "What?"

The smile quickly fades away from his face and a serious look replaces it,"Nothing. But I think it's time for us to get down to business. I have some questions for you."

"Alright and I have some for you as well. You ask me one then I'll ask you one?"

We had just started slowly walking along the shore when he asked, "Alright. I'll start, what's your name?"

"That depends on whether you want my real name or if you want my other name."

"Real name."

"Alright it's Ella Faust. Now, what is yours?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that."

"But I can't continue to call you Nightwing! It sounds so impersonal..."

"Sorry, but that's the rules. Now, how did you end up in Gotham?"

"I was almost caught in a small town about forty miles from here."

"Caught doing what?"

"Ah Ah, Birdboy. It's my turn. How did you find me?"

"I was on patrol on that side of Gotham when I saw a building catch on fire. But by the time I got there it was too late to save the building. That's when I noticed a girl running out of it, leaving a trail of fiery footsteps behind her."

"Oh, I see," I mumble as I look down at my feet.

"What are your powers?"

I laugh as I look down at my hands, "What powers? All you see is a girl cursed with an uncontrollable gift. But I guess if you wanted me to be specific, then I'd have to tell you I couldn't be. I honestly have no idea what I can do. My only goal has been to hide my powers and keep those around me safe...."

"I have a feeling that something happened with your powers. What was it?"

"I burned my Mother."

"Oh, I see."

How can he? He can't know what it's like to hurt one of your parents and have the other one look at you so horribly and blame you when you had no control....Silence falls as no one seems to know what to say. I look up and around and realize how far we walked.

"I'd like to go back now."

"O-Of course. I'm sure you're tired."

Nightwing takes me back to the Mountain and back to my room in the infirmary. I don't even bother saying Good-Night or Good-Bye to him. All I want to do is sleep and forget...


That poor girl has already been through so much and now she's going to have to go through even more. Batman wants answers, and quite frankly so do I, but I know that she needs time....even though that may be the one thing we can't give her...


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