Chapter Thirteen ~ A New Hero

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Three weeks. That's how long Nightwing and I have been avoiding each other. Truth be told, it's probably better this way. I don't have to worry about hurting him anymore, and he doesn't have to feel responsible for me.

But I guess there is one good thing, without the distraction of Nightwing constantly hanging around me, I've been able to dedicate more of my time to training, and I've gotta say, it's paid off. I'm more in control of my powers than I've ever been....and yet. Something is still missing. I shrug it off. I don't have time for that right now or I'm going to be late to my own party.

I quickly change into my costume and walk out to the main room, looks like everyone's here. Except a certain blue bird. I don't let that stop me from sneaking up behind Superboy and wrapping my arms around his waist. He laughs at me and pulls me around so he can hug me back, "Congrats Ella- er I mean Nova. You're finally one of us but don't let it go to your head."

I roll my eyes at him, "We both know I won't and besides Suppy even I did, we both know you'd just whoop my butt at sparing a few times to get me back to normal."

He seems thoughtful, "Very true my little wrath, very true."

"I though I told you not to call me that."

He chuckles, "You did. I just didn't listen."

Before I can manage to get another word in he walks over to the other side of the room to talk to black canary. I was just about to chase after him when Batman zetas in and takes command of the room.

"Most of you know Ella," he begins as he points at me, "After going through extensive training, she has earned the right to a place on this team. Tonight will be her first mission. Nightwing, Robin, you'll be going with her."

Great. Just so abso-stinking-lutely great.


I bush instantly knowing that he's called my name more than once, "Yes?"

"Are you ready?"

I nod my head, "Yes Sir, I am."

"Your mission is simple, infiltrate the warehouse, get the intel, and get out. There will be guards and they will be heavily armed and waiting for you. Try not to let them see you. This mission is about stealth. Do you understand?"

I glance worriedly over at Nightwing, but I can't question Batman. He knows what he's doing....hopefully.

Right before we leave, Superboy pulls me away and wishes me good luck, or as he put it there's a good chance I won't be coming back unharmed or coming back at all so if I die, can he have my training time. Jerk. I know he cares but he really stinks at showing it.

When Nightwing announces that it's time to go, we quickly say good-bye and I board the bio ship, leaving him standing there watching me fly away. Before I could even comprehend it, we were at the drop site. Nightwing, opens the hatch and the two of us drop out as quietly as possible, not wanting to reveal our location, while Robin flies the ship back up and into the clouds, all while being in camouflage mode.

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