Chapter Fifteen ~ Happy Birthday

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August 17. My birthday. My eighteenth birthday to be exact and the day I've been waiting for for years. I'm legally an adult, even if they wanted it, my parents no longer have any authority over me, legally at least.

I'm free! Finally free. I quickly jump out of bed and run to grab a quick show and for some reason, I feel like wearing a dress today. So I dig through my dresser until I find a turquoise sundress, with orange flowers all over it. Perfect. I throw it on, grab a matching orange jacket, and spend ten minutes working to get my hair up into a low messy bun.

I slip my uninjured foot into a low grey ankle boot and carefully rewrap my injured ankle with the medicated wrap the doctor gave me to use and I grab my crutches so I can hobble down to the main room. Surprisingly, all the lights are off. I was just about to call out, when all of the lights turn on and the team shouts, "Surprise!"

Surprise? Yup, that about covers it. Thankfully I don't light on least not fully. I know my fires are smoldering. I fist my hands and I plaster a smile on my face, "Thanks guys. This really means alot to me."

Everyone (Minus a certain blue bird) take turns telling me happy birthday but after awhile things start to calm down and my Blue Bird finally comes up to me and kisses my cheek, "Happy Birthday Beautiful, you want to get out of here?"

I quietly whisper a, "Yes please."

Nightwing makes an excuse for the two of us and he drags me through the Zeta tube to a city I've never been to before.

"Where are we?"

He smirks at me, "Welcome to Blüdhaven."

"Not that I mind, but why are we here?"

"Can't tell you that. It would ruin the surprise now stay here for just a minute."

Nightwing ducks behind a building and walks out with a backpack a few seconds later. Apparently he changed his clothes because instead of his uniform, he's now wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans, a matching blue beanie, and a dark pair of sunglasses.

I pout slightly, "Why are you wearing those? I like your eyes."

"Sorry sweetheart, but people know who I am here."


We walk in silence for a few minutes until he stops in front of a small white house with an orange door. He grabs my hand and leads me up to the door and he pulls a key out of his pocket. Nightwing ignores the quizzical look on my face and opens the door. He motions for me to walk in, which I do and as I take in the room, my jaw nearly drops. If I could of designed my dream house, this would of been it.

"What....What is this place?"

He smiles at me as he closes the front door and takes his sunglasses off, placing them on a little half table that sticks out of the wall by the door, "This, is your house Sweetheart. Welcome home."

"Home? But how?"

"I thought you should have somewhere that you could call your own, a home. I just happened to pick one near where I live so I could see you more often when I'm not at the you like it? If you don't you can sell it-"

I quickly cut him off by pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "I love it. Thank-you. Now how about you show me around?"

He gives me the grand tour of the house and with every room he shows me, I fall more in love with my little house. We eventually end up on the roof and as I look around I realize that I can see almost everything around me but thanks to the tall plants that are all around the edges of the roof, no one from the street can see us...


I hear her comment about how amazing it was to be able to see everything

but no-one from the street can see them. I, however, am hidden in the living room, so I can see 

their silhouettes in the late afternoon light.

He says something and I can hear the girl laughing. This is not what I expected. Joker said that they were starting to like each other. Not that they were in love! I almost feel like I'm not meant to be watching. This moment seems so intimate and loving, but then again, romance has no place in the type of lives we live.

I was considering attacking but before I even had time to get my weapon out and ready, they lean inwards and their two shapes kind of mix together. Her hands on his cheeks, his arms around her waist. They break away for breath and talk quietly for a minute, but I can't hear them. 

He looks at his watch and tells her, "I have to go. I'll leave you to settle in and I'll be back to see you tomorrow if that's ok?." 

She answers softly, "That sounds wonderful,  I'll walk you the door," holding hands, they kiss again, and walk back along the roof to the stairs. 

I quickly make my escape while they're distracted, though not before leaving on of the Joker's calling cards on her nightstand. That little girl better watch her back, the Light is back, and we're looking to recruit. 


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