Chapter Six ~ A Younger Me

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Back at the cave, the dark knight stares down his former apprentice, "Find out who she is. I need to know."

I nod and I catch a zeta beam back to the Batcave. I sit there for hours searching for Ella the first thing to come up is a newspaper article from nine years ago, Eight year old ELLA FAUST MISSING. After severely burning Shawna (Mother) she fled the scene. Parents Dean and Shawna Faust are worried for both her well being and mental state. She is unarmed but she is very dangerous. If you see her do not approach. Call 911 and flee the area immediately.

There's a warrant out for her capture? No wonder she doesn't trust us, she probably thinks we're going to turn her in. Are we going to though? Her parents obviously don't want her around but she's still underage. But when's her eighteenth birthday? I go deeper into the inner web and find out that it's two weeks from now. July 15th.  Now all we have to do is keep her hidden that long.


I've been back at the cave for less then five minutes when none other but the dark knight himself comes over to Jason and I.

He doesn't even look at me, he only addresses Jason, "How did  it go?"

Jason looks down at me and smiles, "Quite well, Ella is progressing wonderfully. Though I think that Wonder Woman may be a good person for her to work with next."

Batman nods and starts walking off when I call out, "So what am I supposed to do now?"

He calls out over his shoulder, "You heard Jason. Wonder Woman will be your next mentor. She'll be arriving here to pick you up soon. Be ready,"and just like that he's already gone through the ...whatever the heck that teleprompter thingy's called.

Jason smiles weakly at me, "Good luck Ella." 

And he disappears too. Great. Now I'm alone. And I have a feeling that Superboy is around here somewhere and I'd rather not run into him again. I'm still sore from the first time he tossed me around. I was just going to go sit on the couch until Wonder Woman came to get me but my stomach started growling.

I quickly got up and started walking towards what I hoped was the kitchen. Thankfully I was right, unfortunately Superboy was in here too. I noticed that he had a bag of hot peppers and stuff to make a sandwich out so I quietly asked, "Can I please have one?"

He looks at me and rolls his eyes, "Only if you can handle one of these," he tells me as he hands me a ghost pepper.

"Great, thanks," I pop the pepper in my mouth and chew it quickly before I grab two pieces of bread and start making myself a sandwich.

"H-How did you do that?!"

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes, "I'm literally made of fire so why would something spicy bother me?"

"But that's the spiciest pepper on earth! I thought I was the only one that could handle them!"

"Well you're not anymore, so can I eat my sandwich now? Wonder Woman is supposed to be coming to pick me up for training soon."

He simply sits there slack jawed, staring at me while I eat. I down my sandwich quickly and take off to go back out to the main room but before I leave the kitchen I call out, "You might want to shut your mouth before you catch flies there Superboy," and I walk out to the main room.


*Filler Chapter*

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