Fuck we goin'?/1\?'niog ew kcuf

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Words: 1789 

3rd pov:

three kids spy on the quarantined crash site from a nearby cliff. One kid views the alien craft through binoculars. "Whoa... What the heck is that thing?! ... And who the heck is she?" the kid asked "Lance!" A light brown-haired male smacked the known 'Lance' for being distracted by a female Garrison officer. "Ow! Ah, right, alien ship. Man, we'll never get past all those guards to get a look." Lance spoke "Aw, man. Yeah, we—yeah, I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?" the last male asked "Wait. They set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed. Look!" The light brown-haired male spoke, two males is on the feed strapped to a table one is up while the other isn't as technicians examine him. "Hey! What are you doing?" the woken-up male asked "Calm down, Shiro. We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests on you." a male explained "You have to listen to me! They destroyed worlds! Aliens are coming!" 'Shiro' yelled "That's Shiro! The pilot of the Mission. That guy's my hero!" Lance told the other two males "Guess he's not dead in space after all." the male spoke "Where's the rest of the crew?" the light brown-haired male asked, "Do you know how long you've been gone?" a male asked "I don't know. Months? Years? Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon. They're probably on their way. They'll destroy us! We have to find Voltron!" Shiro yelled yet getting ignored "Voltron!" the light brown-haired male spoke with shock "Sir, take a look at this. It appears his arm and the others leg has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic's." technician spoke "Put him under until we know what that thing can do." the male instructed "Don't, don't be me under! No! No, there's no time! Let me go!" Shiro yelled "They didn't ask about the rest of the crew." the light brown-haired male spoke with hints of rage "What are they doing? The guy's a legend. They're not even gonna listen to him?" Lance spoke in disbelief "We have to get him out." Lance soon added "Ah, I hate to be the voice of reason here, always, but weren't we just watching on TV because there was no way to get past the guards?" the male asked "That was before we were properly motivated. We've just got to think. Could we tunnel in?" Lance suggested "Maybe we could get some hazmat suits and sneak in like med techs." the light brown-haired male suggested "Or we dress up like cooks, sneak into the commissary... little late-night snack." the other male suggested"... No. What we need is a distraction." Lance spoke and as soon explosions burst in the distance and the three cadet's scream.

"Is that the aliens?! Are—Tha—The—Is that the aliens?! Are they here?! They got here so quick!" the male asked "No. Those explosions were a distraction, for him!" the light brown-haired male points to a raven arriving by hovercraft. "The Garrison's headed towards the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side!" the light brown-haired male told the other two. Lance views the new arrival through binoculars.

"No way...! Oh, he is not going to beat us in there! That guy is always trying to one-up me!" lance yelled running to the raven "Who is it?" the male asked "Keith!" Lance yelled "Who?" the light brown-haired male asked but gets ignored "Are you sure?" The male asked "Oh, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance yelled getting further away from them "Who's Keith?!" the light brown-haired male asked. The three runs toward the quarantined crash site. Inside, the technicians examine Shiro and the other male.


"These readings are off the chart." a technician spoke, and 'Keith' enters "Hey!" One yelled. Keith attacks and knocks out all three technicians, then runs to Shiro and the other male, surprised to find him. "Shiro...?" Keith asked quietly

Keith cuts Shiro and the other male free from their bonds and tries to carry them out. Lance, and the other two males arrive.  "Nope. No, you—No, no, no, no, no, no, no you don't. I'm saving Shiro." lance told Keith walking up and lifting Shiro's arm over his shoulder. "Who are you?" Keith asked "Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance." Lance told him but Keith silently looks at Lance without recognition. "... We were at the same class at the Garrison?" lance told him but the male who was asleep is now awake looking around before fulling standing "Really? Are you an engineer?" Keith asked "No, I'm a pilot. We were, like, rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck-and-neck." Lance told him and he finally "Oh wait, I remember you. You're a cargo pilot." Keith told him "Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out." Lance spoke with confidence "Well, congratulations." Keith spoke as the two carry Shiro out together. the male spots the Garrison returning. "Oh, man, they're coming back, and they do not look happy. We gotta go. Uh, do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" he asked. Everyone climbs aboard Keith's hovercraft, and it tips over.

"Is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?" Lane asked "No." Keith answered, making the male who woke up not long ago look at his wings, he can barely call them wings it's more like bones. Keith has to take off as the Garrison arrives to pursue them. The has to hold on to Shiro and the other male behind Keith hold into him waist.

"Why am I holding this guy?" the light brown-haired male asked "Hey, we did all fit!" a male spoke with joy "Can't this thing go any faster?" Lance asked, "We could toss out some non-essential weight." Keith told him again making the male who woke up not long ago look at his 'wings' as if the feathers would magically appear plus, he wasn't taught how to fly so it would be pointless. "Oh, right! ... ... ... OK, so that was an insult. I get it." lance finally got it "Big man, lean left!" Keith yelled at 'Big man' and he complies and the hovercraft turns, causing Garrison rovers to crash. "Aw man! Mr. Harris just chiked out Professor Montgomery! ... No, no, he's fine." 'Big man' told the group" Big man, lean right!" Keith yelled and he complies, and the hovercraft jumps one cliff to the next, causing another rover to crash. 'Big man' spies the cliff's edge ahead of them. "Guys? Is th-th-th-tha-tha—Is that a cliff up ahead?" He asked "Ooooh no, no, no! No, no, no, no—!"Lance Yelled "Yup." Keith smirks and increases speed while everyone else screams. The hovercraft jumps off the cliff.

"What are you doing?! You're going to kill us all!" Lance yelled "Shut up and trust me!" 'For the love of Angel's please save me!' The winged man thought tighting his grip on Keith. Keith safely avoids crashing and continues flying into the desert, escaping the Garrison.

The Blue Lion

Shiro stands outside a desert shack at sunrise, Keith approaches. "It's good to have you back." Keith spoke "Heh. It's good to be back." Shiro told him "So what happened out there? Where... were you?" Keith asked "I wish I could tell you. My head's still pretty scrambled. I was on an... alien ship but... somehow, I escaped. It's all a blur. How did you know to come save me when I crashed?" Shiro asked "You should come see this." Keith told him. Shiro follows Keith into the shack. Inside, Keith shows Shiro, Lance, and the other three males his board of a map, diagrams, and notes. "What have you been working on?" Shiro asked "I can't explain it, really. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kind... lost and... felt myself drawn out to this place. It's like something... some energy, was telling me to search." Keith told him "For what?" Shiro asked "Well, I didn't really know at the time... until I stumbled across this area. It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some event, some arrival happening last night. Then you showed up." Keith explained "... I should... thank you all for getting me out. Lance, right?" Shiro asked. Shiro offers Lance his prosthetic hand. Lance hesitates but shakes it. Shiro offers to the winged male's hand, but he shook his head, "I don't touch people sorry, but Y/n" y/n introduced himself. "Shiro" Shiro told y/n who nodded, the two had a silent convocation as Shiro notices his legs, something like "How long have you been there?" (S) "5 years... You?" (Y) "Don't know" (S). He offers to shake the other twos hand but the shirt one did. "The nervous guy's Hunk. I'm Pidge. So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?" 'Pidge' asked "I'm not sure. I remember the mission and being captured. After that, it's just bits and pieces." Shiro told him "Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for all of us? Like where are they at this very moment?" Hunk asked "I can't really put it together. I-I remember the word "Voltron". It's some kind of weapon they're looking for, but I don't know why. Whatever it is, I think we need to find it before they do." Shiro told him "Well last night, I was rummaging through Pidge's stuff, and I found this picture. Look it's his girlfriend." Hunk spoke taking out a picture of Pidge and a girl. "Hey, gimme that! What were you doing in my stuff?" Pidge asked "I wa—I was looking for a candy bar. But then, I started reading his diary." Hunk spoke pulling out a book, but Pidge quickly grabs it back yelling a "WHAT?!" "And I noticed that the repeating series of numbers the aliens are searching for looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line.": "Frown... who?": "It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element, only this element doesn't exist on Earth. I thought it might be this Voltron, and I think I can build a machine to look for it, kinda like a Voltron Geiger Counter." Hunk told them "Hunk, you big, gassy genius!": "It's pretty fascinating, really. Th-The wavelength looks like this." hunk spoke pulling out a graph of the wavelength. "Give me that." Keith grabs it from him.

Keith matches the wavelength's appearance to an array of boulders he has seen and has a photo of.

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