first fight/5\thgif tsrif

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your pov

"Great job training today, guys. We're really getting the hang of Voltron." Shiro spoke as we all walked into the dinning room "Seriously, how far do you think my lion kicked that broken alien ship? Must have been like a mile!" Lance spoke with glee "Yeah, that'll come in handy when the Galra challenges Voltron to a soccer match." Me and Keith spoke together looking at him "Hey, I did something cool and you can't handle it. I get it." Lance spoke looking to the side "Your kick ruined our balance. We fell." I told him as me and Keith walked away from him "Well that falling part was Hunk's fault." lance spoke "Hey!" Hunk yelled looking back at us

"All right, save your energy for fighting Zarkon." Shiro spoke and i nodded "I'm going to go to the prisoners" i told Shiro, he nodded and i speed walked going to the room. When i got there i saw Pidge sitting on stairs with 12 others around him. One with wings, one red-ish hair, another with blue hair, one with black hair and horns another with blond hair, one with bunny ears with purple hair, one with light pink hair, one with dirty blond hair, one with dirty purple hair, one with purple and another with light blue going into purple, one with dark red hair, a girl with blond hair, a male with black and red wings, one with bee wings a strawberry blond, and one with one wing with black going into red while the other is red going into black. "Guys?" i asked catching the attention. "Y/n?" the olive toned male asked now standing up "Rhys" i spoke as tears were coming out and ran up to the male before getting into a tight hug. I hugged back as the others started to hug us like it's the last day on Arus. "I missed you" i whispered "Uh what's going on? Y/n how do you know them?" Pidge asked "They are the people on my planet, before the.... that.... 'it' happened" i spoke as the moved away form the hug leaving me and Rhys. "We didn't introduce ourself's, my bad, Im Rhys l/n," Rhys told Pidge as Shiro walked in, "This is Blume and Blossom" Rhys spoke adn pointed to two people one girl in galra rags and a male also in galra rags. "Benett and Blase" Rhys spoke pointing to two males both red hairs but one with dark red, they waved. "Nero, and Philip" he spoke pointing to a duo, one with blue hair and the other with black hair with white and blue horns. "That is Olive, Trixie, and Amethyst" Rhys pointed to a trio all bonding pushing each other like they are blood family "Im Ezra this is Brianna!" The enderian named Ezra popped up making Rhys jump pointing to a bee "And thats Angel Azreal and Haru! Azreal is a male name but shes a girl!" Ezra spoke before teleporting next to the trio. "Y/n.. Your growing feathers!" Rhys spoke jumping with a big smile "You are too!" i spoke as i point to 20-30 olive to toxic green feathers "Lets go to the princess!" I spoke catching the origins attention before they mood turned sad. "What?" i asked looking around "We are going back to our home" Benett told me "What? We cant it's... taken by the gal-" i was cut off by "IT WAS FUCKING FAKE Y/N! IT ALL WAS! THEY PLAYED A TRICK ON YOU AND YOU CONVINCED US THAT ITS REAL! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND DOSE THAT?!" Brody lashed out "I'm sorry" i spoke making them off guard. "you never say sorry unl-" i cut Brody off "I'M SORRY OKAY?! IT WAS'NT MY FAULT! HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOWN BRODY JONES?!" i yelled before walking out and going outside to see Allura, Hunk, Keith, Lance and Coran "Hey guys?" i spoke confused and Allura quickly smile and looked back at something "It's not a goddess its a god and he is there!" Allura spoke before waving me over "Lion God!" A voice spoke as i looked over them "Please, bravest warrior, take us to your village so that we may meet our neighbors." Allura spoke "What about our mission to get off this planet and fight Zarkon?" Keith asked "Part of the paladins' mission is to spread peace and diplomacy. Arus has been our host for 10,000 years. These people deserve our thanks." Allura explained

with pidge and shiro (Pidges pov! short)

"So, how long were you held captive by Zarkon?" i asked "Some for years. Decades, maybe. It's hard to tell. Time becomes a blur." a prisoner spoke loudly as there was yelling coming from the 'origins' they call them self "Then you must have been there when my dad and brother arrived. Sam and Matt Holt?" I asked "I never knew their names, but I certainly remember the other two Earthlings that arrived with Champion." he spoke "Champion." Why do you keep calling me that?" Shiro asked

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