soldier boy reader x catra

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The reader is basically soldier boy from the boys. Might be a few spoilers related to the character

This takes place when catra gets banished to the crimson waste, except her banishment is permanent this time

Shadow weaver never left the fright zone in this universe


Catra pov:

I was walking through this barren wasteland all by myself, looking for any kind of civilization, shelter, anything but sand really.

Scorpia: so...any idea where we're going? I mean, all this walking is kinda fun and all, but It be great finding some people.

...or at least I wished I was alone. Being in this hot ass desert is already bad enough, but now I have to deal with scorpia who decided to get herself banished with me, for whatever reason. She had the perfect opportunity to stay and be third in command, and she blew it.

After a LONG time of walking with scorpia, I found a giant skeleton with cloth covering certain parts of it, faintly hearing the sound of chatter

Walking in, me and scorpia got a drink, and sat down at the bar. While we were drinking though, something very interesting caught my ear. A few men were sitting down at one of the tables, with one of them telling a story.

Man: ok, so, I'm with this gang just wandering through the desert. We were planning on going to this uh, this trading route that people like to use. We were gonna rob someone, but of course Jerry was terrible at directions.

Man2: Jerry? Are you shitting me?

Man3: whatever happened to you, you deserved it.

Man: I know, I know, I saw it comin' but I didn't do nothing about it. So anyway, we ended finding this massive building, pretty far away from here. There were loads of guards at the front, all wearing that horde symbol on their chest.

Scorpia: what did he say? I thought the horde didn't go here?

Catra: yeah, I didn't either...

Man: It wasn't easy to get even kind of close to it. We weren't even trying to go in, and there were three snipers focused on us. One of them took a shot at us, hittin' Jerry right in the shoulder.

Man2/3/4: is he dead!?

Man: *sigh* no...

The entire bar: ahh damnit.

Man4: if it was that well defended, it must been something important.

Man: looking back, I'm thinking it was...the devil's cage.

Man:2 the devil's cage!? You mean THE Devil's cage?

Man: I swear it. There ain't no other reason the horde would have a random fortress here, if it wasn't important.

The Devil's cage? I've got to look into this. Walking up to their table, I slammed my hands down onto the table, announcing my presence.

Catra: what exactly is this "devil's cage"?

Man: oh, take a seat, I'll tell you all about it. Long ago, there was this mysterious man, roaming etheria with only one goal in his mind; to create as much chaos, havock, destruction, as much as that stuff as possible. If he came, struttin' into town, you were dead right then and there. He'd show up, Along with his horde buddies and topple whatever you threw at em'.
Guns? Nothin'. Giant beasts? Wouldn't even flinch. Right after he killed the king of salineas, he had earned himself the tile of the Devil. I don't know what he actually went by, but it probably something lame.

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