Chapter 13

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Pete has been in coma for three months now, and it's been three months now that I haven't felt alive I just feel like I'm existing, I'm tired really fucking tired. The minute I open my eyes in the morning there's tears already escaping my eyes, this is a normal routine at this point that even Macau is used to by now. I get out of bed going into the bathroom, as I look at myself in the mirror, tears start to fall down again I just stare at myself as my tears blur my vision, "Pete I believe in you, you got this!" I say this again, I've lost count of how many times I've said that but I still believe in Pete. "Phi are you ready we're gonna be late!" Macau yells from downstairs, I brush my hair a little and head downstairs. "Aren't you gonna eat breakfast? Phi you can't keep doing this to yourself, you have to eat" no I don't Pete isn't then I shouldn't. "Let's go" I say and Macau gives me a sad look, nowadays even Macau annoys me, I'm just so over everything fucking thing. "Phi drive fast we're like half an hour late" Macau says as I start the car, I was about to drive off as I hear my phone ring, I take it out of my pocket annoyed at whoever is calling because who the fuck calls at 8am. But my heart drops as I see that Pete's doctor is calling. "Hello" I say in a panicked voice, "Good morning Mr Vegas, We are happy to inform you that pete has woken up from his coma this morning." The doctor says but the minute he said Pete's name I drove as fast as I could. "He's awake! Pete's awake!" I say crying happy tears. "Pete's awake!" Macau says as he was crying happy tears too. We arrive at the hospital and I ran to Pete's room. I knock at the door lightly so he wouldn't wake up if he's asleep. The nurse opens the door and smiles at me. "He's asleep right now but should be awake in a bit" I give her a smile and nod, she walks out and Macau waits outside as I go sit on the chair beside Pete's bed. I take his hand and cry happy tears again. "Thank you for waking up Pete, Thank you so much, I promise that from now on I'll give you anything you want, even a dog, anything you want" I say talking to myself because he's asleep "you promised, now you have to get me a puppy" I hear Pete's voice and immediately look up and see his cute smile again, that smile. The smile that makes me whole and brightens my day. "Pete" I say as I begin to sob now "why're you crying Vegas" he slowly tries getting up and I help him sit straight, "come here" he says and opens his arms for me I hug him tightly as sobs escape my mouth, he puts my head gently caressing my hair, "I missed you so much Pete, so fucking much" I say and cry harder "Vegas it's ok now, I'm here ok" he says and shines my world again by smiling wildly. "Pete I love you, I love you so fucking much that i felt like I wasn't alive for three months while you were in the coma, every morning I woke up I felt even more tired, I missed you so much that it physically hurt" Pete begins to cry now, "Pete why're you crying?" I ask panicked "Pete please don't cry" "I just...I've never had someone love me that much, I feel like I don't deserve it Vegas, like at any moment I'm gonna fuck it up and make you hate me" he cries and lays his head on my chest, "Can you live without oxygen?" I say and Pete looks at me blankly, this is the first time I've seen Pete looking confused, "are you kidding me Vegas? I literally just confessed how I don't think I'm worth your love and you say dumb shit like that? And no of course you can't even 5 year olds know that" he eyes his eyes and I begin to laugh at how mad he is "I'm sorry I wanted you to stop crying and I know if I said something dumb you'd be too shocked to cry" I pull him for a hug again "Pete I should be the one thinking I don't deserve your love, you're the kindest person I've ever met, I'm so fucking lucky" he chuckles "you are because I'm really good looking!" I smile at his words and kiss him on the forehead than give him a gentle peck on the lips "I love you Pete" "I love you too Vegas" "ok lovebirds are you guys done flirting I want to see how phi Pete is doing" Macau suddenly enters the room and Pete looks at me, looking lost. Oh shit he hasn't met Macau yet "Macau you do know Pete hasn't met you yet" "oh right! I totally forgot because I came here with phi Vegas everyday that I feel like me and you are close now, anyways I'm Macau phi Vegas's younger brother!" "Oh! Hi Macau it's nice to meet you! I hope I didn't cause you bother though" Pete looks at me smiling, probably happy to hear we visited everyday well of course he did why is he shocked? I literally love him. I smile back at him "what no of course not! I'm happy you're awake now" Macau and Pete dig into conversations just after they introduce themselves, and I laugh and shake my head because I knew they would get along the second they met and I'm happy to be witnessing that now. "Oh yeah vegas is sometimes weird, like he thinks blurting out random things will help if I'm mad at him" Macau laughs as Pete tells him about the random shit I do for him, I'd do anything just so Pete could smile "are you guys taking shit about me" I say looking at them and they both laugh.


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