Chapter 4

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Vegas's POV
"Phiii you have to get up both of us will be late"I heard Macau say for the tenth time. "Macau go downstairs I'll be right fucking there ok" I'm not a morning, to be honest I'm not even a night person because I'm always annoyed it's not just in the mornings. "Ok fine" Macau said and left. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while. "I fucking hate it here" I mumbled to myself. I got up and did my morning routine and put on a Red blouse with a black jean. "For fucks sake Macau did I not tell you I hate it when someone wakes me up" I always tell him that if someone tries to wake me up it's makes me want to sleep more but he just does it anyways. "I know phi Vegas, but you slept through 5 alarms haha" I don't know how he has the energy to talk and laugh right now. "Ok stop laughing, let's go" I said feeling kinda better seeing Macau laugh. Our school is really near but who in their right mind would walk in the morning. "Okk seeing later phi Vegas" says Macau as we both got off. "See ya" I started heading for my first class which is math, I'm glad it's my first class because it's the only subject I truly enjoy. "Good morning Vegas" says Mrs Anong as I enter the class. "Morning" I say in a flat tone and kinda feel bad because I didn't mean to sound rude. Mrs Anong smiles at my and I walk to the seat I always sit at which is the back. No one sits besides me because they're scared I guess or whatever the fuck they think. My eyes land on a guy who enters the class. He has the happiest smile on his face. He must have a perfect life for him to be smiling that wildly. " Everyone eyes on me please" Mrs Anong says and I look at the new guy. "Today we have a new student with us so please let him introduce himself" I look at the guy and he smiles nervously. What the fuck why is he always smiling. So fucking annoying. "Oh uh hi I'm Pete!" He says excitedly with that stupid smile again. I hate him already. I didn't listen to what he said next but I heard his name which is Pete. He was smiling while looking around then looked at me. Suddenly his smile disappeared. Huh? He's scared of me already? Good I don't like how he seems too happy. "Thank you Pete, you can go sit by Vegas right there" oh my fucking god I hate it here. I shift my chair a little feeling angry. Pete smiles awkwardly and sits down. If he smiles one more time I swear. The class comes to an end and I rush to get out of there. I hate school even more now because of that fucker.

Vegas just wait and see 🤭😩 anyways I hope y'all liked this chapter idk if this story is good or not tbh so I'm sorry if it's boring😭😭 pls bare with me 🫶🫶🫶 I rlly am gonna try my best so I hope y'all like it🫶🫶🫶🫶

His smile/ vegaspete Where stories live. Discover now