Yor The Spy

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Twilight was on the move, he had a new job from the handler. Whatever it takes, just to make the world an even better place, he said. I'm determined to finish this mission. Just as he was to continue, he tripped and the next thing he knew, he was at the hospital. Twilight, are you ok? Yor asked, she was worried. I'm fine, I need to go back to work now, he said. No stay here, you need to rest. Yor said. I have had enough number of vacation days, who will go to my job as a spy then? Twilight said. Me, I will do it! Yor said. No it's much too dangerous for you and our twins, he said. Don't worry about me! Yor said, as she called the handler to take Twilight's place for this mission. Twilight! You are silly and irresponsible! Your supposed to watch Yor, not the other way around, he thought. I'm not even sure if Yor could make it, he said.


Meanwhile, Yor was checking the perfect outfit for her job. Nah I don't suppose Twilight's clothes look nice on me, she said. She put on her normal clothes and went to finish what Twilight had started. So, this mission is about stopping a person with the most powerful nuclear weapon in the whole world, let's see about that. Yor got into action, she tricked the man into believing she was assigned to check if the weapon is working. When she got inside the building, she asked for where the washroom was, then she crept to the safe where they hold the powerful thing. Oh so it's just a bomb with special features, she thought. She sneaked the bomb and handed it to the authorities, and got the man arrested for making an illegal weapon. The handler congratulated Yor. Well done agent! I never expected an assasin to be this good at spy craft. How would you like to be an official member of the agency? The handler said. I politely decline, I still have a job as an assassin, Yor said. Oh ok, if that's what you want, The handler said.


Twilight was still stuck on his hospital bed. The door suddenly flew open. Yor happily ran to Twilight. I finished your job Twilight, she said. Didn't expect that.. Well done Yor! He said. So what do you think about being a spy? Twilight asked. I liked it, but it was too easy, Yor said. After a few more minutes, the doctor allowed Twilight to leave the hospital.

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