Jealous Anya

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It was the twins third week. Yor and Twilight were too busy with work and of course, the babies. Anya was jealous of the attention the twins get, but of course her parents were too busy to notice. She saw that Twilight and Yor played with the twins, yet she hardly ever got to play with them. Anya's envy of the twins grew. I don't even know why I wanted siblings in the first place, she said to herself. So one night, when her parents were asleep, she took her siblings, put them in a box, and left them outside. Good thing Twilight woke up to drink water. Hey Anya, what are you doing there? He asked, looking suspicious. Nothing-Anya said. Twilight turned around to check on the twins. Ah! where are the twins! he said shocked. Yor woke up from all the commotion. What! The twins are gone? Yor also started panicking. Can I get some peanuts? Anya asked. No, not until we find your siblings, Twilight said. Autumn and Finn are getting on my nerves, Anya said. Just then, Twilight heard soft crying from outside. Anya! you we're the only one around before I drank water, It was you who did it! Twilight figured out. It was not me..Anya said. Don't try to lie to a spy, Twilight said. Yor took the twins back inside and cradled then to sleep. Meanwhile, Twilight grounded Anya for what she did. What made you think that leaving your brother and sister outside will do you good? Twilight asked. Your attention is always on those twins, you never gave me that much attention, Anya said crying. Your siblings are still little, and might get into trouble if we don't look after them, you are their big sister right? Then you are supposed to look after them too, not putting them in danger, Twilight said. Anya nodded and promised not to do it again. Twilight hugged her and put her back to sleep. Anya finally stopped being envious of her brother and sister.

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