The Twins First Words

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Yor was still getting used to taking care of her 5 week old twins. And since she didn't want to leave them alone, she would mostly use a child carrier to bring Finn and Autumn to her job as an assassin. She did tell Twilight about this and after a few tries, Twilight agreed for her to bring the twins to work. Yor carefully watched the twins and covered their eyes when she was gonna put an end to awful people's lives. At home, her job wasn't done. She was supposed to help Anya with her homework too. Her routine as a mother to three got old after 2 months. Yor would often wake up due to the twins needs. Then one day, something unexpected happened. Mama- assasin! Autumn said. Yor who was playing with the twins heard this and was so proud. Autumn said her first words! Mama and assasin! Yor proudly said as she lifted Autumn in her arms. She's smart just like me, Anya said smirking. Twilight stood behind with a Shocked and annoyed look. Come on Finn, you can talk too right? Twilight said as he lifted his son gently. The little baby burped and stayed silent. Finn, can you talk for your dad? he said. Dada-spy? Finn mumbled. He spoke! Twilight said, he was very pleased with this and he decided to also take shifts in bringing the twins to his work.

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