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A/N: (Correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently the estimate in Anya's age is about 4-5 right??... But for this scenario, when the identities were revealed, Anya had told Twilight about her true age and her bday)

*she's turning 6 on this chapter :')*


"Becky, you're invited to my birthday party, " Anya bravely mentioned.

"Thanks, but are you sure? Have you asked your parents yet? " Becky asked, concerned. Deep inside, Becky actually had a huge crush on Twilight so this was her time to shine.

"Anya will do it later, " the pink haired girl replied.

"Second son, you're invited too!" Anya said, slapping a paper diy invitation to her friend.

"What the hell is this ugly drawing, " Damian thought.

Anya stared at him confused.

"I'll go anyway, " he thinks.

_______AT HOME________

Twilight typed away at his laptop, he had to form a new, stable plan to sabotage the plans of a mysterious gangster.

"I wonder when there will be a day that the world will finally come at peace and I can leave this job. For now, I must stay if I want to ensure that my children can grow in a safe environment, " Twilight thought.

"Papa forgot about my birthday tomorrow..." Anya frowned, losing the motivation to play.

Twilight's face was filled with shock, he froze in his position.

"I'm sure it's not like that Anya, your father is just busy that's all, " Yor smiled, pouring tea in Anya's cup.

"I didn't know that tomorrow is Anya's birthday...." Yor felt nervous on the inside.

"Mama also forgot about my birthday," Anya sighed.

"That's not true!!I did remember! " Yor exclaimed, embarrassed that she didn't have a clue at first.


Yor put Anya and the twins to sleep, while Twilight made an important, absolutely urgent phone call.

Twilight:"Frankie, can you contact the handler? Anya is requesting another spy themed party I suppose. Say it's for the mission. "

Frankie:"Now how does a kid's birthday relate to a mission????!!!!"

Twilight:"If this kid runs away, then the cover will be blown"

Frankie:"I guess so, but why can't you do it instead? "

Twilight:"Another mission"

Frankie: *sigh*"I guess your debt to me has increased now."

Twilight dropped the call. "They'll have it set up by tomorrow at 10 am"

He went to Anya's room, silently reading the list of people she would like to invite.

*The List*: (correct spelling version*Anya wrote her friend's names wrong..*)

1) Becky
2) Second son. (Referring to Damian)
3) Bond
4) Scruffy(Franky)
5) The twins
6) Mama and Papa
7) Director Chimera (Anya included her stuffed plushies too<3)
8) Agent Penguin

______THE NEXT DAY______

"Anya, wake up, we're going somewhere," Twilight woke his daughter up.

Anya quickly got up, ate her breakfast, took a bath, (basically, she got ready)

After the quick routine, the family headed off to the party location.

(Btw, about the invitations....Dudes, Twilight planned the party. Twilight. He obviously had connections and a plan to tell the others about the location. )

"Woww!! It's spy wars themed!!" Anya cheered happily.

"Happy birthday Anya! " her parents greeted her, handing their gifts.

Anya opened Twilight's gift, inside was a spy kit for kids (so Anya won't bother him by asking what tools spies use, etc. )

Of course, Yor's gift was equally nice, it was a stuffed bunny.

"Thank you Papa and Mama! " Anya hugged her parents.

Then of course, her friends arrived.


"Madam, are you sure you want to wear this absolutely long dress to your friend's party? " Martha asked, helping Becky off the limo. (Fyi, Martha is Becky's ...butler?..)

"Thanks Martha, but I need this to impress Loid- uh I mean Anya, since I bought a similar dress for her as a gift so we could match, " Becky responded .

Her butler simply nodded, and followed her inside the building.

"This is it..moment of truth, " Damian thought. He felt anxious, but he definitely made an extra effort in dressing up.

Anya greeted her friends, and confronted Damian.

"Here, take this, " Damian gave Anya his gift, turning away since he was blushing.

"Thanks, second son, " Anya said.

_________AFTER THE PARTY_______

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying your gifts Anya, " Twilight smiled.

"Anya seems so happy, " Yor smiled as well.

It's been a monents, and Anya was still staring into the gift that Damian gave her.

It was a music box, playing the theme song of spy wars. (I have no idea if soy wars has a theme song, but um...pretend I guess. )

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