Chapter 31

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Calum's POV

We're at the hospital and Zoe's lying in the hospital bed. She finally went to sleep. She's been up tossing and turning all night. The doctor came in and gave her medicine to help her sleep. She usually looks so peaceful when she sleeps, but now she looks so miserable. But I can only blame myself. The doctor said that physically she's okay, but mentally she's not going to be okay for a while. They want to watch her over night so I told Emma that she should leave and go get some rest. But she refuses and she stays with us.

I wonder if that asshole James is okay. I mean I have a little respect for him now that he tried to save Zoe.

Emma's POV

Calum and I are sitting next to Zoe's bed and we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." Calum says, trying not wake Zoe up.

A doctor walks in.

"Sorry to bother you, but I have a question for the both of you. Can you all please step outside?"

"Yeah of course," I say as Calum and I stand up and walk outside with the doctor.

" you two know of a young man by the name of James Yammouni?" the doctor asks.

"Yes." I say as my heart starts to race.

"Well I'm sorry to say this, but he was shot at the location where Zoe was and has a very little chance of living. He was shot multiple times in the chest and when the ambulance got there, they tried to stop the bleeding, but he lost a lot of blood."

I stood there in shock.

"Please tell me your joking. Please...tell me this is some sort of joke," I say as tears brim my eyes and shake my head in disbelief.

"I wish I was joking," the doctor says as he looks at us with sympathy.

I look up at Calum and he's in shock too.

"Is there a way we can see him?"

"Yes I can take you to his room if you would like."

'Yes please take us." I say as the doctor starts to walk to James' room. Calum grabs my hand pulling me back.

"Are you sure we should do this? What about Zoe?"

"That's why we're going. We couldn't take her to see him. It will just make her worse mentally," I say as I drag him in the direction the doctor is walking in.

We get to the room and I turn around and look at Calum.

"Please don't tell him anything stupid," I say as I chuckle lightly.

"I won't. He saved her life," he says with a sigh.

We walk into the room and he's lying on the bed and he has an oxygen mask on and he's all bruised and beaten up.

I walk over to the side of the bed and sit next to him and grab his hand.

"James ... I don't know if you can hear me, but, this is Emma. James ... please Zoe needs you. You need to be okay. Please pull through for her. She's so broken and I don't want her to break anymore. Please James," I say as I start to softly sob.

I feel Calum's hand on my shoulder as I stand up and wrap my arms around him and bury my head into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and whispers comforting things in my ear.

"Maybe we should go back to Zoe," he says as he pulls away and looks at me with a small smile.

"Yeah, we should," I say as I sniffle as I start to walk out of the door with Calum.

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