Chapter 7

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Ashton's POv (after Zoe and Calum leave for pizza)

"What the fuck is taking them so long." I say as I run my finger through my finger through my hair and stand up from the couch and grab my phone to call Zoe.

I put the phone to my ear and just hear it ring.........and ring ...........and ring.............and voice mail.

"FUCK ZOE!" I yell as I run upstairs to try to call her again.Why the fuck did I let that fucking prick take my sister to get the pizza.I wanted her to feel like I wasn't so protective but what she's doing now isn't fucking helping.I call again,again,again and again still no answer.I throw my phone across the room.

"FUCCCK!!!" I scream as I pull my hair from the roots and walk over to my dresser and grab a bag with pill bottles and another one with like a shit ton of cocaine and weed and any drug you could think of and sit on the ground.I lay out all of the drugs and start to smoke and try to get as high as possible.I walk over to the mirror and look at myself and I see that my eyes are bloodshot red. I pick up my phone and try to call her again I hear a ringer that sounds just like Zoe's as I walk out of the room and walk into Zoe's and see it on her bed.Why did she leave her phone she never leaves her phone? Did her and Calum plan this? Did they plan to go get pizza together just so they could leave and run off together?That fucking son of a bitch took my sister and went take god know's where.I run downstairs and grab the vodka from the cabinet.

"What are you doing mate,have you talked to Zoe?" Luke asks as he pause FIFA.

"No and fuck off!" I scream as I run back upstairs and slam and lock the door.

I pop open the top of the bottle and take a gulp as the vodka burns my throat as I continue to smoke ans take pills.I grab and hand full of the pills and grab the vodka bottle and take all of the pills and I start to feel drowsy so I lay down and I start to feel nothing no pain,nothing.My eyes start to slowly close a I hear a knock on the door and hear Zoe talking a relief starts to flood over me.Then I hear a bang on the door and Zoe scream.My eyes start to slowly close and I cant feel anything I can barley see and my hearing is faded.I can feel someone lift me up and put me in their arms and hold me and say,

"Its going to be okay Ashton I'm here your going to be okay please stay with me Ash please." I try to lift up my arm to touch her face but I can't I can faintly see her face.Then my eyes close and my body starts to slowly shutdown.


We get to the hospital and walk up to the front dest and ask the lady where Ashton is and she directs us to his room I see my mom sitting outside of the room with Harry and Lauren.

"Mum!" I scream as I run over to her and she stands up and we embrace in a long hug as I start to cry again on her shoulder."Mum I'm so sorry this is all my fault" I say as I pull away a look at her.

"No baby it's not your fault it's no one's fault he's going to be okay baby everying is going to be alright okay just we have to keep our heads up and stay strong for Ashton,and you siblings okay." she say with a smile smile.

I walk over to Lauren and Harry and kneel down next to them and grab their hands as they look up from the ground. "Hi." I say with a small smile,

"Look I know ya'll are worried about Ash I am to but you guys have to keep your head up you have to stay strong." I say as I see a tears stream down Lauren's face as she puts her hands on her face and starts to sob.

"Hey Lauren look it's going to be okay don't cry,he's going to be okay".

"Yeah but what if he's not what if what happened to dad happened to him I can't loose him Zoe I just can't I love him to much."she says as she looks in my eyes and wait fro my response.

"He's going to be okay I promise you Lauren and if he's not you can just blame me for it you can blame me for everything okay." I say as a tears falls down my cheek knowing this is all my fault.

"Hello is this is Irwin family?" the doctor asks with a smile. "Yes that's us." my mum says as we both stand up and walk over to him.

"Okay only family is allowed to see Ashton so who is family?" he says looking around at all of us.

"Just us four ." I say directing towards Lauren,Harry,Mum,and I.

"okay so Ashton is just fine he just had a minor drug overdose and he might have to stay overnight so we can see how he is doing he is asleep right now,but he;s perfectly fine,so would you like to see him now?" he says as we all nod.We walk over to the door and everyone stops I turn around and look at them confused. "Zoe go in first I can't stand to see him like like you go in and tell us how he looks okay." my mum says as she pushes me towards door more.

I walk in a see Ashton laying on the bed asleep I cover my mouth with my hand and try not to sob because looking at him like this just brings back bad memories.I walk towards the bed and grab Ashton hand and sit in the chair closest to the bed.

"Ashton I know you probably can't hear me but I just want to talk to you listing or not,why would you do this why would you do this knowing what happened to dad." I say as tear start to stream down my face.I probably look a mess with all of this crying."Ashton you are the oldest of all of us you should know that we all look up to you Lauren and Harry especially,but I can't blame you because I shouln'd of left with Calum in the first place if I could take it all back I would.". I put both of my hands on my face and start to cry again,"I'm so sorry Ash this is all my fault." I sob.

I feel a hand grab my wrist as I look up and see Ashton look at with his eyes bloodshot red

"It's not your fault Zoe." he says barley above a whisper

"Oh my God Ash." I say as I stand up as I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck and sob on his shoulder.

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