Chapter Twenty

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Thistlepaw gazed at the setting sun, watching the colors paint the sky. She breathed in deeply, taking in all of the surrounding scents.

She glanced behind her at the four clan cats, who were sniffing around the place she had called home for almost a half moon now.

When she ran away after the battle between her clan and Riverclan, she wandered around the outskirts of the territories, until she stumbled upon an abandoned badger den.

The cats sniffed the entrance to the underground cave, wrinkling their noses at the remaining scent of badger.

Brackenpaw caught her gaze and began to pad over. Thistelpaw sighed and turned her eyes to the sky again, where the sun was now disappearing behind the mountains.

The tom silently sat beside her, and it was quiet for a few moments before he spoke.

"You sure that badger is really gone? The stench is almost unbearable!" Brackenpaw said jokingly.

Thistlepaw sighed again in annoyance.

"I've been sleeping there for a long time, Brackenpaw. I'm pretty sure we'll be fine."

The tom nodded and there was an awkward pause.

"Did you know?" He finally asked. "About Autumnleaf? You said you've been listening ever since you left so..."

Thistlepaw unsheathed her claws and dug them deep into the grassy ground, her eyes slits.

"Yes. I knew. I actually didn't find out until her conversation with you. I heard her story of her friend that was killed. And how she wants revenge on the clans."

She looked Brackenpaw straight in the eyes.

"I honestly thought she was going to kill you."

"She almost did." The tom growled bitterly. "But thankfully I washed up on the shore. If I didn't, I would have surely drowned."

Thistlepaw glanced behind them at the other cats. Her eyes landed on Breezepaw's scarred face. He was joking around with Fernpaw as Sagebreeze purred in amusement a few tail lengths away.

"What happened to him...?" She asked cautiously.

Brackenpaw followed her gazed and glanced at her in confusion.

"You don't know?"

"I don't think my senses were strong enough yet to reach out to him at the time."

"Well...after Windclan was taken over, The Tribe of New Leaf knew that Autumnleaf wanted to kill each of the chosen ones herself. So they had to keep him alive...but just barely."

Thistlepaw shook her head sadly.

"Thats just...horrible."

She watched the tom joke around with Fernpaw and she flicked her ear curiously.

"He uses his humor to cope, I'm guessing."

There was a silent pause before the tom spoke.

"I was actually you think you could reach out your senses to Thunderclan? I just want to know if my clan is okay."

Thistlepaw shook her head.

"I've already seen Thunderclan after the battle. But trust me, Brackenpaw. I think it would be best if I don't tell you."

The tom stood up angrily, his tail lashing from side to side.

"It's my clan! I have a right to know!"

Thistlepaw stood up, meeting his gaze with a hiss.

"If we are to beat this threat, we all need to have a clear head. We can't afford any distractions!"

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