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"You're everywhere except right here and it hurts"- 𝐮

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"You're everywhere except right
here and it hurts"
- 𝐮.𝐤

THE NEXT DAY, Amina was lied on her cot looking up at the ceiling of her tent. She thought about her mom..if she was right about love. The ground was so miraculously better than the Ark despite the grounders. She didn't have to live up to anyone's standard excel expectations.

"Hey, A  you okay?" Octavia asked.

" Yea, O just stuck in my head."

"You should really clear your head...I have an idea to talk to Bellamy ." Octavia suggests.

"I told you..that's never gonna happen.."

She was right. I did need to clear my head,and I did feel a odd annoyance
Towards Bellamy..i'm trying not to get stuck in his web of hot bad boy, who's slightly overprotective..yet i'm afraid I already feel myself being lured in.

Amina gets up off her cot and heads out of her tents and looks for Bellamy. She sees Atom when you see him you usually know he follows Bellamy around like some lost dog in need of an owner.

"Hey, Atom is Bellamy in there?"I ask him. I can tell he doesn't want me to know something. Guilt racks his face.

"Yea..he is but Amin-" he starts - "What do you want Kane?" Bellamy questions from behind Atom, coming out of the drop ship with Renee following behind him. She smirks at me, and kisses him and walks off.

I look at him in disgust, I can hear my head repeatedly saying how stupid I am. Stupid for possibly thing Bellamy Blake was different when I knew he wasn't,but I tried to convince myself. Think with your head not your heart as my father would say..I feel this anger boiling.

"You needed something?" He asks nonchalantly, acting like nothing even happened.

"You're prick, a fucking prick." I spat, as he walked closer to me; face to face.

"Because I kissed you, is that the problem ?" He questions with an arrogant smug smirk.

The rage was boiling. I simply acted on instinct. I slapped him at the sound of his words.

"Stop..treating me like I'm some girl who's obsessed with you...because I can insure you I'm not her." I spat.

"You want me back, take me."

𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 | 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞Where stories live. Discover now