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"I'm gonna say it. Thanos was right, we have too many fucking people on this shitty ass world."

Mary narrowly dodged a rather burly security guard on her right. "But then who is gonna make the world go round?"

Y/N smirked, wrapping a hand around her shoulder. "You should know this, baby. We work with the damn government anyways. Money is what makes the world go round."

"What about competent leaders?"

"Maybe, but do you know what other things they have other than competency? Money."

He stopped in front of her, doing his little dancey dance pose. "Hell, if I had as much money as that Amazon ruler guy I would make everything a lot easier. Like for example, build more corridors in this damned place so people DON'T FUCKING BUMP INTO ME EVERY DAMN SECOND." He yelled at the poor intern who accidentally rammed into him. The intern stammered out an apology before skedaddling.

"Y/N! Wait Y/N I have something for you!"

Y/N loudly groaned knowing who the voice belonged too. "Another reason I would build more hallways. Not to interact with certain people."

Mary rolled her eyes before smiling at the panting man who ran up to them. "Hiya Finn, how are you?"

Finn, a short scrawny man smiled back at her. "I'm doing awesome! Thanks for asking! You're new dress looks amazing with those tights by the way, the colors look great together!"

"Awww thanks-" Y/N slapped a hand over her mouth before she continued with the conversation, eyes glaring intensely at the other male. "What the hell do you want?"

Finn gave him a lopsided smile, moving his very curly red hair from his glasses. "Oh yeah! I wanted to tell you I got you a coffee!"

Y/N looked suspiciously at the cup that was handed to him. "You didn't spike it, did you?"

Finn let out a laugh. "Ha! You're funny! Of course not, I just knew you must've been tired from that meeting. Everyone's talking about it even now."

"Well tell them to fuck off."

"You know I can't do that! That's really rude, I don't want to be mean!" Finn gasped.

"Anyways, we have to go Finn, it's real nice talking to you again but we have to go," Y/N grabbed Mary's hand before trying to make his grand escape.

Finn, stuttered. "Well actually I wanted to ask you if we could all go to this new restaurant nearby-"

"Can't! Busy!" Y/N yelled over his shoulder.

"Oh, I was talking about next week!" The ginger shouted back.

"Still busy!" Y/N rounded the corner, sighing in relief. He shot a look at Mary who gave him a disapproving look.

He grumbled. "God I hate that guy."

The coffee cup spilled in the trash can, a cruel reminder of what the poor janitor had to clean up later.

|~~~~~~~~~~~|                                                    ❀

"Mary, you get my apartment, my car when it's out of the dealership, my membership to that local ice cream place, my blankets, and that fuckin creepy, raggedy ass doll I have for some reason." Y/N lists as he writes down numerous possessions on a post it card in crayon. His 'will' he calls it. "For my dying wish I want you to kick Dick in the balls and put rocks in the presidents shoes."

"It's not the end of the world, Y/N. If anything it's amazing," His friends muffled voice replies, too busy stuffing her face with ice cream sandwiches.

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