Chapter 6 Muck

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Later that evening y/n meets up with Eddie outside of Skull Rock.

Y/n tells Eddie what happened to her locker and what Jason said to her.

Y/n curses, rants, and raves. Eddie can't believe the filth coming out of y/n's mouth. Even he was blushing by some of y/n's profanities.

Then y/n gets quiet. She sits on the ground and stares into the scenery in front of her.

"You want to know something Eddie? Despite Jason dumping me and quickly moving on with Chrissy, I still loved him. Some messed up part of me still loved him. I still had a shred of hope that he would come back to me. But after he said that to me, I knew it was over."

Eddie comes up and kneels besides y/n.

"Y/n, what do you want to do?" Eddie's eyes are warm and inviting. Despite hearing you curse like a sailor he still has a tenderness that you still desperately need.

"Dog shit. He really hates dog shit. He once accidentally stepped in it when we were out. The smell makes him gag. He was close to throwing up. I want to light a bag of shit on his front porch, ring the door bell, and run. He'll step on it to extinguish the flames. That would be amazing."

"Bigger." Eddie says with a devilish grin

"Dog shit in his locker?"


Eddie sits down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulder.

"Listen y/n. I know you want revenge. But you need to lay low for a couple of weeks so nobody suspects it is you. We have to be smart about this in order for it to work. You need to drive me to his house in the middle of the night and I can hot-wire his car. I'll drive it to the cornfields. We shovel as much cow manure we can into his car. We drive away and nobody is none of the wiser. He will think it's the rival team the Falcons who did it. But only if we wait."

You look over at him completely surprised.

"Eddie, that is way better than a flaming bag of dog shit!"

Three weeks later you give Eddie money for the manure. Since you don't go out much anymore you have been stockpiling your allowance. He drives a couple of towns over and purchases it from a tractor supply store. He loads all the bags into the back of his van along with a few shovels. He also asked his Hellfire friend Gareth to help with this prank.

It's Sunday night. You tell your parents goodnight and quietly hang out in your bedroom before you sneak out at 2 o'clock in the morning. You pick up Eddie at his trailer.

Gareth took Eddie's van and is waiting for you and him at the corn field. The van is full of manure bags and shovels.

You drive Eddie to Jason's house. You park a block away just in case. Within a few minutes you see Eddie drive past. You follow him and drive to the corn field a few miles away.

Once you get to your destination you both park and you turn off your headlights.

Gareth steps out of the van and says, "Holy shit Eddie. You really did it. Let's get this started!"

All three of you open up the bags of manure and start dumping them into the car. Once the vehicle starts to get full you three start shoveling it into the nooks and crevices of the vehicle.

Once all of the bags have been used you put the shovels into the van.

"Remember y/n, you'll be hearing the school talk about this. Hopefully they will think it's the Falcons who did this. And if they think it's you just play dumb. Even when you think they know, deny everything. Also, your parents can vouch for you. You told them goodnight and they think their daughter is a loner with no friends. You have nothing to worry about."

You drive home and quietly undress and go to bed. As you go to sleep you realize that Eddie is the truest friend you ever had. The girls you were friends with before never had your back. They might have shared the same interests as you but you never had them defend you or go out of their way for you. Maybe your friendships were on a thin ice longer than you realized.

Monday morning quickly approaches. You are in your first period English class and you overhear your old friends talking about Jason's car being stolen from his driveway. As of right now you assume it hasn't been found yet.

Once sixth period approaches you see Jason in the hallway shaking his head at his friends.

"Those Falcons are dead!"

Guess he found his car!

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