Chapter 7 A Dungeon Masters Proposition

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Y/n found out that her favorite band Duran Duran will be coming to town!

Y/n is at the side court yard waiting for Eddie first thing in the morning.

Normally y/n would ask one of her cheerleader friends if they would go. But now the only person she could ask is Eddie Munson. She knows that pop music is not his thing but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"No. Absolutely not. Duran Duran plays music that you listen to while playing jump rope."

"Please Eddie. Duran Duran is my favorite band. They never came to Hawkins before. They usually come as close as Indianapolis which is a few hour drive away. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'll buy both of our tickets and I will drive us in my car. It would mean the world to me."

"Okay, if it means that much to you I will go to the concert with you. But on one condition. You let me teach you Dungeons and Dragons and join the Hellfire Club."

"I know nothing about Dungeons and Dragons! I'll probably suck at it and you and your friends will want to kick me out."

"As long as you try to learn. If you still don't like it after a few of weeks than you can stop playing. But I want you to give it a try. We play every Friday night. Mostly in the theatre room. Sometimes at each other's houses. We play for a few hours, we eat pizza, it's a good time."

"Fair enough. You got yourself a deal Munson."

They shook hands on their deal. As much as y/n is clueless about Dungeons and Dragons she was flattered of being asked to join Hellfire. She missed the camaraderie of being around a group of people doing an activity that they all enjoyed. As much as y/n is excited, she hopes the other Hellfire members welcome her.

"And by the way y/n, you should come sit with me and the Hellfire crew at lunch. That way you can really get to know everyone and learn a little bit about the game. I know you hide at the library during lunch. But I want to let you know that your my friend and I don't let my friends sit by themselves."

Over the course of a few weeks you learn how to create a character and play the game. At first the other Hellfire members were apprehensive. But since you already knew Gareth from your manure prank, he vouched for you too.

After playing for a couple of weeks you begin to think it's fun. Being able to create a character gave you permission to be creative in a way you never experienced before.

You got stares once you sat with Eddie at lunch. Once you were given a Hellfire shirt, you got a lot of comments thrown in your direction.

"So the baby killer is now a Satanist?"

"Y/n is so desperate for friends she joined the freak club!"

Normally hearing such comments would upset you. But once you realized how your friendship with Eddie was something special, nothing else mattered. The stares. The remarks. None of mattered to you anymore. You would do anything for Eddie because he would do anything for you.

Your parents start to notice that you seem more bubbly when you get home from school.

You tell them that you joined a board game club at school and that you'll be busy on Friday nights.

"That is fantastic! If you ever want your friends to come over to play board games we can order food and set up the table for you all to play" your mom said eagerly

"Yeah, thanks mom."

You know your parents would flip if they knew it was the game that people on the news say is demonic. So you give them minimal details.

Before you know it you realize Duran Duran will be playing in your town this Saturday night.

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