Chapter 35: Operation Liberate Scourge

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Well, they were going to continue listening to Zonic, that was, if he hadn't been interrupted as soon as he tried to begin reading again.

Suddenly, without so much as a knock, a familiar-looking pink hedgehog burst into the room.

"Officer Zonic! I found out who was behind the prison break!!"

Zonic just looked at her confusedly. "Who?"

"The Doctor Eggman from the Prime-verse!!"

Zonic sighed loudly. "That's old news, Officer Zamy." Zamy looked completely dejected, resembling an unhappy kid who just had his kite ripped away from him by a strong wind and then blown into next Tuesday. Zonic's eyes then shot to the door behind her. It was only being held to the doorframe by one hinge and looked like it might snap and fall at any moment. "I thought I told you to knock first before barging into my room."

Zamy looked behind her and her eyes widened. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Look, I'll fix your door. Just give me some nails. I'll do it!"

Zonic sighed again and covered the side of his face with his hand before pointing to a cabinet against the wall beside the door. "They're in the top drawer, where you put them last week." He picked up the sheet of paper again and cleared his throat. However, when the Sonic lookalike turned to Honest and Shadow, he found that they were gone, their seats now empty. He turned his head quickly from side to side. "Where did they go?"

Meanwhile, Honest and Shadow were down the hall heading back towards Zonest's office. However, Shadow had no idea where they were going and was instead just letting Honest pull him along.

"So, where are we heading?"

"Back to Zonest," Honest explained, not even turning towards him as she rushed back down the other hall. There were four or five different hallways that kind of met or converged in the middle where the elevators were. "Operation: Liberate Scourge, commence!"


Said blond cat looked up from her laptop to watch as Honest and Shadow pushed their way back into her room. "Hey, you're back. What's up?" Shadow noticed that she wasn't at all upset about them bursting into her room without knocking.

"We need to leave for Moebius pronto, and we need Scourge to come with us." Honest didn't bother with sitting down and instead stood beside her doppelganger who was sitting in her chair. Zonest's eyes widened.

"Oh! Well, okay." She stood up and left her laptop open. "Let's go ask for the warden's permission." She walked past Honest and Shadow and went straight out the door. Shadow looked at Honest in surprise, but he wasn't sure she noticed as she was already sprinting after Zonest.

On the way, the trio walked across a narrow walkway, perpendicular to which lie an abandoned courtyard of sorts, however it was turned ninety degrees due to the difference in orientation. Honest silently thanked the reliability of her spatial stabilizer because without it, she would surely plummet to her death. Well, not her so much as Shadow would. Cats always fall on their feet. Shadows always seemed to fall on their heads.

Speaking of Shadow, the Ultimate Nitwit was busy thinking beside Honest as they walked. It was so loud Honest couldn't help but hear it even as they entered an elevator larger than the one in the main building and headed up towards what they guessed was Warden Zobotnik's room. When they stepped out of the elevator, there was a long hallway. On their left was a horizontal elevator. If they were standing in the elevator, this hallway would look more like a spacious elevator shaft.

There is no way the Warden is going to let Scourge go free. This isn't the first time he's been arrested. There's no way they're going to let him go free this time.

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