Chapter 31 : Dumb sh!t ( Halloween pt. 1 )

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Daddy Dream
1 New Message
'daddy long dick just landed in your parking lot baby what's good? 😈' 4:04 pm

I make a noise of disgust as I read the message, despite the way my face splits into a smile. It's the day before Halloween, Friday, but I'm a college student so we'll be celebrating all weekend.

That being said: yes I'm already in the maid costume Clay sent, with the cat ears, with the thigh highs, sitting on my couch, waiting. What about it?

I smile, giddy, rocking to my feet. I grab the extra set of cat ears and dart to the front door, hoping to catch Clay before he even gets inside.

I swing my front door open and poke out, startling when I see he's already standing in the common hallway. His face goes lax in surprise when he sees me, for just a second, then his eyebrows climb as his eyes dart up and down the get-up.

I smile as he immediately shifts his bag onto his shoulder and strides forward making grabby hands. I giggle, running right for him, about to climb this fucker like a tree.

Clay grunts, then laughs as I fling myself into his arms, but he catches me, lifting me with a hup. The second it's within reach, I put the cat ears on his head, grinning like a maniac.

I plant both hands on his face, coo'ing. "My handsome little catboy pog champ-"

Clay snorts a laugh, tightening one arm around my waist to hold me in place, the other acting as a guide to push my front door back open and lead us in.

I squeeze him with my thighs, getting a lot more demanding with my hands, pushing on his face. He smiles, letting me take the control, tilting his head back with my movement.

I stare down at his face, biting my lip, everything feeling warm, happy, giddy.

"Hi there, big boy." I say, barely not laughing.

I watch Clay's face briefly scrunch in distaste before he speaks. "It's been thirty seconds and I haven't been kissed yet? What the fuck?" He asks, coy.

I lean in, close enough to share breath, watching as his eyes flutter shut. He tilts, lining up so our lips can slot together. I dodge the kiss, moving across his cheek, brushing with my lips, until I get to his ear.

"I think I left your kiss in my bed." I say, breathy, then bite his ear.

"Oh, come on-" He says, low, chuckling, tightening his arm.

Suddenly, we're moving toward my room. I bite my lip, smiling like a maniac. The second we're in my room, Clay drops his bag, then we tip over onto my bed, him climbing on top of me as I wiggle my hips.

Clay pulls back, shaking his head, gaze hot. I fluster for just a moment, lifting my hips to adjust under him, grinding right into his lap.

There's a flash of a smile on Clay's face before he's on me, fast, pressing our mouths together and rolling his hips against me. Both of my hands thread into his hair and pull as my entire body arches into him, pressing us flush, moan already in my throat.

The kiss goes different that expected. It starts hot, heavy, forceful, but softens.

Oh. I guess we both just want a minute.

Clay pulls back, puffing a quick breath, then relaxes, pinning me with his full weight, pressing back in for an absurdly slow kiss, our tongues dragging together.

My hands loosen in Clay's hair, a single one dipping to the back of his neck to rub soothing circles. I melt under him, everything feeling safe and warm, blanketed by his body.

He breaks the kiss first, dropping his head to bury his face in my neck.

"I missed you." He mumbles against the skin there.

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