Chapter 44 : Yoooo! cum town [S] [F]

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Clay looks so fucking proud of himself.

I whine, dropping my head to his shoulder, breathing against his neck. His little idea was fun at first. But, there's only so much a person can take. I dart forward to grip his arm, tight, whimpering as I shudder closer to another orgasm, rocking in my seat next to him.

I hide my face in his neck, panted breaths and moans small and delicate, trying to muffle my noises. Tears prick the corners of my eyes. I've lost count at this point, everything between my legs starting to feel numb from how overspent I am.

"You're okay, baby." Clay soothes.

I bite my tongue, holding a whimper, pressing into his neck. I want to beg, but I refuse to give him that.

He turns until his mouth is pressed to my ear. "C'mon. Get a little louder for me." He teases, pressing something that makes the vibration increase before turning right back to the road.

Damn. I tried.

"Clay please-" I breathe out, beyond gone. It's been almost a hour and a half of this, or at least since we started the drive. It's too goddamn early for this.

He turns his head back in towards me, lips grazing against my skin, sending a shiver through my body, taking in a breath. "Be a good girl for me. You can do it." He says, soft.

My entire body pulls tight, arching. "I can't. Please. C-can I please just- please."

Clay laughs, placing his hand on my thigh to squeeze. I immediately dart both of my hands to cover it, gripping down tight, digging my fingers in as I continue to rock in my seat. I manage to flutter my eyes open, staring at him with my face pulled tight, wordlessly begging. I watch something in his expression soften.

"How about this..." He starts, quickly checking his phone. "We've got a little extra time. If I turn it off for you now, you're gonna let me take care of you as soon as we get to my house, yeah?" He asks, low and quiet.

I whimper, nodding. I'd honestly say yes to anything like this. Suddenly, the vibration stops and I shudder through a desperate exhale, catching my breath. I can still feel the small bit of plastic pressing against me, but I'm numb enough that it feels like not much. I go limp, pressing as far into Clay's neck as I can get.

"Thank you." I mumble, and he briefly laughs.

"You can thank me in 20 minutes, baby." He says back. I nod into his neck, still collecting myself.

I'm not very... present for the rest of the drive. I'm hardly anything but gone as he pulls into his driveway and parks. Still, I manage to open my door and stumble to my feet.

I plaster myself to Clay's back, fingers tangled in the fabric of his shirt as he leads us inside, quickly unlocking his door. The second we're in, he turns, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Go get ready. I'll be up in a sec." He says.

Despite the warning, I whine as he walks away from me, briefly swaying where I stand, feeling ungrounded. I manage to collect myself enough to move upstairs. I slip into his room and just... fold, collapsing into his bed and stretching out.

After three weeks apart... I know the next five days are going to be messy, just like yesterday was. I drag my shirt up and off, tossing it somewhere in his bed. I huff, still feeling lax from being overstimulated all morning, then lazily manage to get my bra off. Next, I paw at my sweats, wriggling against the mattress to get them off with my panties.

It's not a pretty sight, but no one's here to see it.

The second I'm nude, I dip between my legs, pulling out the toy that's been fucking with me all morning. I briefly glare at the pink piece of plastic, before rolling onto my stomach and leaning over to plant it on a nightstand. I stay rolled over, burying my face in a pillow.

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