Chapter 3 : A Lotta Lust [S] [F]

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When I wake up again, it's dark. I blink, noting we've adjusted at some point. I'm next to Clay, my back flush to his chest, essentially just spooning. I peel my face from his arm, smacking my lips. I find the wherewithal to look behind me first thing, seeing he's still asleep.

I shift carefully, trying to get up, but the second I move, Clay's arm lands on my waist, circling around me and pulling me back, holding tight. I barely break into a smile before he shifts again, and something hard presses to my ass.

I blink, once, paused, just waiting for him to inevitably wake up and continue. I'm surprised when he... doesn't.

I tilt my head back again, searching his face, double checking. He's definitely... still asleep... I think. My brow furrows. He must be in a deep sleep if that much movement didn't wake him up. I worry my lip for a second, brain kicking into gear. What if I...

I mean...

He said I had permission...

I roll my hips back into Clay's lap, once, like an experiment. His arm tightens around my waist, a heavy breath escaping him. I pause, searching his face. It stays completely relaxed, lips just barely parted, expression soft.

I feel a jump of excitement in my stomach, thoughts shifting into overdrive. Okay. Definitely. I can have fun with this. I move one of my hands behind my back, pushing into his sweats, surprised when I find no boxers.

I almost roll my eyes.

He knew he was gonna get some. Cocky asshole.

I keep my hand slow, careful, wrapping around the base of his cock and squeezing. Another exhaled noise passes his lips as his hips move to rock himself into my hand. I keep my head tilted, watching his expression stay soft. My eyes flick down his face, following the line of it.

I stroke up the length of his cock, pumping it in my palm, excited as I feel it grow heavier, stiffer, with my stimulation. I nearly salivate, thighs tensing as his cock twitches with interest in response to me.

I can't believe he's still a... sleep-

The corner of Clay's lips twitches. I almost miss it. I narrow my eyes, then drop my hand to the base of his cock and pause. His brows briefly knit, then relax, his hips slowly rocking against me.

"You rat bastard." I say, quiet, and watch as one of Clay's eyes opens to peer at me, a smile suddenly splitting his face.

He is awake. Was awake.

"G'morning. What a way to wake up." He mumbles, voice humored.

I groan, pulling my hand from his sweats despite his protests, slapping him away from me.

"It's not morning. You're such a dick. Were you pretending the whole time?" I ask.

He grunts. "Is that a problem?" He asks, hand on my waist going tight again as he flips me to my back and climbs on top of me, even as I try to slap him away. "You want me asleep? You dirty little somnophiliac." He says, teasing.

"No- I just- it-" I start, stumbling over my words, squirming under him. I feel embarrassment, hot on my face, looking up to see the smug humor painting his.

I huff. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction. I tilt my head back. "You said I could."

Clay chuckles, low and quiet, staring down at me. "I could pretend to go back to sleep if you wanted? Would that get you excited?" He teases, pressing his still hard cock against me.

I roll my eyes. "Or I could just slip NyQuil into your drink."

He snorts a laugh. "Are you threatening to drug me?"

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