Chapter 27 : Go ahead

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I huff, looking away from my phone to check Clay again.

It's 1pm he has the audacity to still be passed out. His cat is too, knocked out, laying on his back. I've been trying to just scroll my phone, relaxing until he wakes up, but I can't take it anymore.

I'm hungry.

I wriggle my way out of his hold and out of the bed, swinging to my feet and heading downstairs. I make my way into the kitchen, knowing I'm probably going to have to settle for a pop tart, considering how his kitchen was the last time I was here.

I open the pantry, spotting the box, and reach in. It's empty. Damn.

I spend some more time looking for food, finding crackers, condiments, and drinks. I grab a gatorade, deciding it'll have to be enough of a meal for now, then head back upstairs.

I'm gonna wake him up.

I immediately kneel on the mattress, crawling toward Clay, seeing he moved. He's now laying on his back, Patches absent. He looks totally relaxed.


I swing a leg, straddling his stomach, plopping down with no hesitation.

Clay exhales from it, face scrunching up, like he's waking up.

"Wakey uppy." I say, then lean forward with my cold Gatorade, pressing it to his face.

He immediately jerks away from it, squinting his eyes open, small groans coming from his throat.

"Wha—" Clay starts, looking lost as he blinks awake.

"Hi." I chirp, grinning and scooting up his ribs.

Clay makes another noise, hands lifting to land on my thighs, face tilting down to stare where my legs are parted.

I roll my eyes, leaning forward, pressing a hand to cup his chin and make him look back up at my face.

"I'm hungry. I wanna eat." I say.

Clay overpowers my hand, looking straight down between my legs again.

"Me too." He mumbles out.

"Hey!" I chastise, squeezing his ribs with my thighs.

He looks up at my face again, still blinking away sleep as his hands creep higher, slipping under the hoodie to hold my hips.

"It's 1pm. Not until I get food." I say.

Clay stares at me, grumbling. "Fine I'll order—"

"No." I interrupt. "I want home-cooked. Lets go to the store."

He groans again, looking up, seeing the sincerity in my face. "Forreal?" He asks

"Please?" I ask, pouting my lip.

Clay closes his eyes, letting out a massive sigh, tightening his hands on me.

"Fine." He eventually mumbles out. "Get the fuck off me so we can go."

I let out an excited yelp, leaning in to kiss his cheek. I try to pull back immediately, but Clay's hands are quicker, one darting up to hold my head in place so we can connect our mouths.

I know he's the one that did it, but I let out a pleased noise, moving with his mouth, happy as can be.

Clay eventually relaxes his hold, slapping my ass as I lift off of him and head downstairs to get pants on. I go for shorts, letting the hoodie fall back down, seeing it falls longer than the shorts anyways.


Clay appears at the stairs, shrugging his shirt over his head, then pulling on some sneakers.

I suddenly realize I only brought boots, not really thinking we'd need to leave. I hum, then go poke around in his shoes. I find some slides and put them on, and nearly piss myself laughing.

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