Chapter 6 : Distance [F]

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"No, leave me to die." I groan, rolling in Clay's bed.

He groans too, and flops in next to me. We both ate... way too much at dinner. I barely got my ass up the stairs. I hold my stomach, beyond stuffed.

"Why'd I go for thirds? I'm so fucking stupid." I grit out.

Clay laughs, grabbing at me as I try to bat him off.

"Don't even touch me right now, I swear to God." I say, groaning even louder.

Still laughing, he grabs me anyways, reeling me into his chest and holding me there, despite the way I'm writhing. I keep my fight up for only another couple seconds before I sigh and let myself relax, cheek pressed to his chest.

We stay in silence, just holding each other, until Clay breaks it. "When do you leave?" He asks.

I sigh, I've been dreading it. The sucky thing about this trip, is that it was an impulse decision, so I still have shit scheduled.

"Probably as soon as I wake up tomorrow." I sigh, "I work at noon." I say, nearly whining.

Clay pats my back soothingly. "I guess we'll have to make the best of tonight, then."

I might just be hearing things, but there's something suggestive in his tone. I pull back from his chest, and squint at his face, seeing his mouth curved into a smug smile.

"I—" I stutter. "Clay I ate so much—" I start. I don't wanna do anything like this, let alone have sex. I feel like an idiot for not thinking about that. I could've been getting laid tonight.

"Yeah? We could burn the calories with some physical activity..." Clay says, lowering his voice and grabbing my hips.

I huff a small laugh, smiling and warming, reveling in how good it feels to know he wants me. "I can't." I say, pouting. "I want to, but I can't. I'd probably puke." I say.

Clay laughs and nods, touch going softer as he leans in and kisses my neck anyways. "It's fine. I know I'm repulsive." He says.

I roll my eyes, feeling bad. "Clay—" I start again.

"I'm just teasing. It's totally fine, we can do it some other time." Clay says, and I feel myself relax. He's a good man. "Not too full for kissin'?" He asks.

"Never." I say back, leaning in to catch his lips, fighting a smile.

We kiss each other slowly, a lot more exploratory and curious than we were able to last night, knowing it isn't going to go any further. His hands soothe up and down my body, following the curve of it, like he's trying to memorize it.

"Who knew—" He says, interrupting himself to kiss me again. "I had—" Another kiss. "This—" Kiss. "Right—" Kiss. "Under my nose." He says, and pulls back to search my face.

I feel myself heat, ducking my head in embarrassment. "Well I knew." I say, with a small laugh.

I eye him curiously. "You seriously didn't know?" I ask.

I wasn't... super obvious, but I wasn't exactly discreet either. I'd always do anything with him first in a heartbeat, and would always smile and laugh around him. But, everyone does. He's a quiet type of magnetic.

"If I knew you think we'd have only just started trying this out?" Clay says, rolling his eyes. "We would've cuffed in high school."

I furrow my brow.

"You were crushing back the entire time? You're lying." I say, blinking. There's no way we're both that dense.

"I don't— I wouldn't call it crush." Clay blushes, looking to the side. "I actively made sure I didn't get a crush on you, just because I didn't want to feel like a creep."

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